
金融案件汇编 | 法宝双语案例



1. 郭秀兰诉光大证券股份有限公司、上海证券交易所、中国金融期货交易所期货内幕交易责任纠纷案
Guo Xiulan v. Everbright Securities Co., Ltd., Shanghai Stock Exchange, and China Financial Futures Exchange (case of dispute over the liabilities for futures insider trading)

2. 香港上海汇丰银行有限公司上海分行与景轩大酒店(深圳)有限公司、万轩置业有限公司金融借款合同纠纷案
The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, Shanghai Branch v. Jingxuan Hotel Co.,Ltd. & Wanxuan Real Estate Co., Ltd. (dispute over a financial loan contract)

3. 李杰与辽宁金鹏房屋开发有限公司金融不良债权追偿纠纷案 
Li Jie v. Liaoning Jinpeng Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. (dispute over recovery of financial distressed debt)


Guo Xiulan v. Everbright Securities Co., Ltd., Shanghai Stock Exchange, and China Financial Futures Exchange (case of dispute over the liabilities for futures insider trading)



[Judgment Abstract]

The legal nature of a stock exchange or a futures exchange is a securities self-regulation organization. When exercising its statutory self-regulatory supervisory authority in due procedure, for a lawful purpose, and without any subjective intention, the exchange shall not bear the civil tort liabilities for investors' losses.


Source Note: SPC Gazette, Issue 12, 2018


[CLI Code] CLI.C.67642859(EN)


The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, Shanghai Branch v. Jingxuan Hotel Co.,Ltd. & Wanxuan Real Estate Co., Ltd. (dispute over a financial loan contract)



[Judgment Abstract]

Under Article 8 Paragraph 2 of the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Administrative Measures for the Provision of Cross Boarder Guarantees by On-shore Institutions, a wholly foreign owned enterprise can provide cross boarder guarantees without being required to obtain the account by account approval of the foreign exchange administration bureau? Meanwhile, under Article 14 of the Administrative Measures for the Cross Boarder Guarantees Provided by On-shore Institutions and Article 6 of the Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court Regarding Application of Security Law of the People's Republic of China, after providing a cross boarder guarantee, the guarantors should complete the guarantee registration with the local State Administration of Foreign Exchange office. A cross boarder guarantee contract shall be void if the guarantee is not approved by or registered with competent authorities. Therefore, cross boarder guarantees provided by wholly foreign owned enterprises shall be registered although not be required to be subject to account by account examination and approval. A guarantee that is not registered in competent authorities shall be held void.

来源:《最高人民法院公报》 2014年第6期(总第212期)

Source Note: SPC Gazette, Issue 6, 2014


[CLI Code] CLI.C.2827012(EN)


Li Jie v. Liaoning Jinpeng Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. (dispute over recovery of financial distressed debt)




[Judgment Abstract]

Under Article 238 of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China and provisions of the Official Reply of the Supreme People's Court on the Issue of Whether a People's Court Should Accept a Lawsuit Filed by a Party for Any Disputed Content of an Enforceable Notarized Debt Instrument, an enforceable notarized debt instrument is the same as an effective judgement or an arbitration award in being the enforcement basis of a people's court, and a party may hereby apply for enforcement. For an enforceable notarized debt instrument, after any dispute arose, a creditor shall apply for enforcement. If a creditor directly files a lawsuit, a people's court will not accept it.

Under Article 1 of the Joint Notice of the Supreme People's Court and the Ministry of Justice on Issues concerning the Enforcement of a Debt Instrument with Enforceability Granted by a Notary Public, an enforceable notarized debt instrument shall satisfy the condition that parties concerned have reached a written consensus on the enforcement in the debt instrument. If there is only the notarization in form and no special consensus on enforcement between parties concerned, the effect to apply for enforcement will not come into being. Therefore, the declaration of intention of parties under the contract is an important source to give compulsory execution effect to an enforceable notarized debt instrument. Parties may agree on the content of direct application for enforcement by way of consensus and change the said content to abandon the special guarantee of the creditor's rights. Where there is an enforceable notarized debt instrument, and later on, both parties agree that for some creditor's rights, litigation is available for them to settle the dispute. That is, the content that parties can directly apply for enforcement is changed by means of consensus and thus parties concerned may file a lawsuit against the above-mentioned claims.


Source Note: SPC Gazette, Issue 4, 2016


[CLI Code] CLI.C.8323516(EN)














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