
人教PEP英语五年级上册Unit 3 达标测试卷

点击关注☛ 小学语数 2023-02-13




第一卷 听力部分


一、1. thirsty2. salad3. cow4. food5. should

二、1. I'd like a hamburger.

2. A sandwich, please.

3. Would you like some salad? 

4. They're fresh vegetables.

5. Here's some milk.

三、1. Happy birthday!

2. Would you like some water?

3. What would you like to drink?

4. What would your brother like to eat?

5. What's your mother's favourite food?

四、W: Hello, I'm Betty. It's time for lunch. I can see some food on the table. Look at the tomatoes. They're healthy. The beef noodles are hot. The chicken is delicious. What about the salad? It's very fresh. And the ice cream is sweet. It's my favourite.


一、1. C2. B3. A4. B5. B

二、1. A2. B3. B4. A5. B

三、1. B

2. A 点拨: Would you like…?有两种回答: Yes,please!/ No, thanks. , 故选A。

3. A4. C

5. B 点拨: 注意听关键词your mothers,女性用her,所以选B。

四、lunch; food; tomatoes; healthy; noodles; hot; delicious; salad; fresh; sweet

五、1. D2. C3. C4. C5. A

六、1. B2. B

3. C 点拨: A,B都是食物,是名词,C是形容词,故选C。

4. C5. C  (微信公众号:小学语数)

七、1. B 点拨: apples是复数,故be动词用are。

2. C 点拨: What would you like to drink?是固定句型。

3. B4. A

5. C 点拨: ice cream 是甜的,所以选C。

八、1. sandwiches2. Tomatoes are3. would; drink; I'd; juice

4. noodles; They're5. ice cream; It's

九、1. What's your favourite vegetable?

2. I'd like some milk. 3. I don't like onions.

4. Her favourite colour is blue.

5. Sarah's favourite food is fish.

十、a. 1. B

2. B 点拨: 根据Xinjiang food is famous for(因……闻名) mutton kebabs. 新疆食物以羊肉串闻名,可知选B。

3. C4. C5. B

b. 1. From Monday to Friday.

2. No, I don't.

3. I have eggs with tomatoes and rice on Thursdays and Fridays.

4. My favourite drink is milk.

5. I need to eat more vegetables.


My favourite food

Hello,I'm Tommy. I like different kinds of food. Ice cream is my favourite. My favourite meat is beef and chicken. They are delicious. Hamburgers are my favourite food, too. What about fruit? My favourite fruit is bananas. They are healthy.


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