
新起点五年级英语下册Unit 5 Having a great trip 朗读+知识点

班班通平台 班班通教学系统 2021-12-24





Unit 1 Keeping healthy

Unit 2 Special days

Unit 3 Making contact

Revision 1 复习

Unit 4 Last weekend

Unit 5 Having a great trip


went to the beach  (过去式)去海边

drank cold drinks  (过去式)喝冷饮

swan  (swim的过去式)游泳

ate ice-cream  (过去式)吃冰激凌

the Stone Forest 石林

bought some gifts  (过去式)买礼物

took photos (过去式)拍照片

saw flowers (过去式)赏花

slept  (sleep的过去式)睡觉

delicious  美味的;可口的

felt happy  (过去式)觉得高兴

sad  悲哀的;难过的

left  ( leave的过去式)离开

French fries 法式炸薯条

were (are的过去式)是

Unit 5 Have a Great Trip


went to the beach (过去式)去海边 

drank cold drinks (过去式)喝冷饮

swam (swim的过去式)游泳

ate ice-cream (过去式)吃冰淇淋 

the Stone Forest 石林 

bought some gifts (过去式)买礼物

took photos (过去式)拍照片

saw flowers (过去式)赏花

slept (sleep的过去式)睡觉

delicious 美味的

felt happy (过去式)觉得高兴 

sad 悲哀的 left (leave过去式)离开 

French fries 法式炸薯条

were (are的过去式)是

二、单元句型(小朋友,学会了这些句子,会变得更加优秀哦! )

1. A: How was your summer vacation? 你暑假过的怎么样?

B: It was fun. 很有趣。

2. A: Where did you go? 你去了哪?

B: I went to Beijing with my parents. 我和父母一起去北京了。

3. A: What did you do there? 你在那里做了什么?

B: We went to Beijing Zoo and saw many lovely animals there. 我们去了北京动物园,看了很多可爱的动物。

4. We took lots of photos in Tian\\'anmen Square. 我们在天安门广场照了很多照片。

5. We also ate Beijing duck. It was delicious! 我们还吃了很多北京烤鸭。很美味!

6. We went to the Summer Palace. 我们去了颐和园。

7. I rowed a boat on Kunming Lake. 我们在昆明湖划船了。

8. I felt very happy. 我觉得很开心。

9. That sounds like a great trip. 听起来是场很棒的旅行。


went to the beach (过去式)去海边 

drank cold drinks (过去式)喝冷饮

swam (swim的过去式)游泳

ate ice-cream (过去式)吃冰淇淋 

the Stone Forest 石林 

bought some gifts (过去式)买礼物

took photos (过去式)拍照片

saw flowers (过去式)赏花

slept (sleep的过去式)睡觉

delicious 美味的

felt happy (过去式)觉得高兴 

1. A: How was your summer vacation? 你暑假过的怎么样?

B: It was fun. 很有趣。

2. A: Where did you go? 你去了哪?

B: I went to Beijing with my parents. 我和父母一起去北京了。

3. A: What did you do there? 你在那里做了什么?

B: We went to Beijing Zoo and saw many lovely animals there. 我们去了北京动物园,看了很多可爱的动物。

四、重点音标(从今天起, 做一个发音标准的英语侠!) 

le /(ə)l/ apple maple bottle turtle table bubble


Unit 5 Have a Great Trip


went to the beach (过去式)去海边 

drank cold drinks (过去式)喝冷饮

swam (swim的过去式)游泳

ate ice-cream (过去式)吃冰淇淋 

the Stone Forest 石林 

bought some gifts (过去式)买礼物

took photos (过去式)拍照片

saw flowers (过去式)赏花

slept (sleep的过去式)睡觉

delicious 美味的

felt happy (过去式)觉得高兴 

sad 悲哀的 left (leave过去式)离开 

French fries 法式炸薯条

were (are的过去式)是

二、单元句型(小朋友,学会了这些句子,会变得更加优秀哦! )

1. A: How was your summer vacation? 你暑假过的怎么样?

B: It was fun. 很有趣。

2. A: Where did you go? 你去了哪?

B: I went to Beijing with my parents. 我和父母一起去北京了。

3. A: What did you do there? 你在那里做了什么?

B: We went to Beijing Zoo and saw many lovely animals there. 我们去了北京动物园,看了很多可爱的动物。

4. We took lots of photos in Tian\\'anmen Square. 我们在天安门广场照了很多照片。

5. We also ate Beijing duck. It was delicious! 我们还吃了很多北京烤鸭。很美味!

6. We went to the Summer Palace. 我们去了颐和园。

7. I rowed a boat on Kunming Lake. 我们在昆明湖划船了。

8. I felt very happy. 我觉得很开心。

9. That sounds like a great trip. 听起来是场很棒的旅行。


went to the beach (过去式)去海边 

drank cold drinks (过去式)喝冷饮

swam (swim的过去式)游泳

ate ice-cream (过去式)吃冰淇淋 

the Stone Forest 石林 

bought some gifts (过去式)买礼物

took photos (过去式)拍照片

saw flowers (过去式)赏花

slept (sleep的过去式)睡觉

delicious 美味的

felt happy (过去式)觉得高兴 

1. A: How was your summer vacation? 你暑假过的怎么样?

B: It was fun. 很有趣。

2. A: Where did you go? 你去了哪?

B: I went to Beijing with my parents. 我和父母一起去北京了。

3. A: What did you do there? 你在那里做了什么?

B: We went to Beijing Zoo and saw many lovely animals there. 我们去了北京动物园,看了很多可爱的动物。

四、重点音标(从今天起, 做一个发音标准的英语侠!) 

le /(ə)l/ apple maple bottle turtle table bubble



(  ) 1. lef__ (离开)   A. t   B. a   C. u

(  ) 2. wonderf____ (奇妙的)   A. el   B. ul   C. al

(  ) 3. r__d__ (骑)   A. i, a   B. i, e   C. a, e

(  ) 4. del__cio__s (美味的) A. i, u B. a, e   C. e, a

(  ) 5. b____ch (海滩) A. ce   B. ae C. ea



A. bear   B. sunny    C. horse D. first    E. monkey

F. windy   G. Chinese  H. third   I. second J. cool

K. rabbit   I. cold      M. French N. ninth    O. Russian

(1) 天气类:______________________________________________

(2) 动物类:______________________________________________

(3) 序数词:______________________________________________

(4) 语言类:______________________________________________


from   in   to   by   for

(1) I swam ________ the sea with my father.

(2) They took bananas ________ my bag.

(3) We bought some toys ________ you.

(4) I went to Xiamen ________ train.

(5) Last summer, I went ________ the beach.


(  ) 1. I had ________ fun there.

A. a lot of    B. many    C. a lots

(  ) 2. —________ did you do there?

     —I climbed a hill.

A. Where   B. What    C. What about

(  ) 3. —Where ________ you go on your vacation?

     —We went to the United States.

A. was   B. did   C. are

(  ) 4. In the morning, we ________ and saw a film.

A. swims B. swim   C. swam

(  ) 5. We visited ________ old friend in Beijing last week.

A. an     B. /   C. a


(  ) 1. 要表达“去年寒假,我和朋友去了哈尔滨”,应说:

A. Last winter vacation, I went to Harbin with my friends.

B. Last summer vacation, I went to Harbin with my family.

(  ) 2. 要表达“假期你去哪儿了”,应说:

A. What did you do on your vacation?

B. Where did you go on your vacation?

(  ) 3. 要表达“你在那里玩得开心吗”,应说:

A. Did you have fun there?

B. We had a lot of fun there.

(  ) 4. 要表达“我结交了一些新朋友”,应说:

A. I made some new friends.  

B. We are good friends.



(  ) How did you go there?

(  ) We went there by plane.

(  ) Where did you go on your last vacation?

(  ) I went to Guangzhou with my cousin.

(  ) Sure. We were very happy.

(  ) Did you have a good time there?


(  ) 1. It were a beautiful place.    __________

               A    B     C

(  ) 2. It was rainy and wind in the morning.    __________

              A       B            C

(  ) 3. He taked some photos for us yesterday.    __________

                  A       B          C

(  ) 4. She bought me a gift, to.    __________

                    A        B             C

(  ) 5. Did you saw birds there?    __________

          A     B     C



    提示:1. 去年暑假你去哪儿旅行了?

          2. 怎样到达那儿的?

          3. 在那儿的所见所闻。

My vacation



一、1-5 ABBAC

二、(1) took D (2) ate C (3) saw B (4) drank A

三、(1) BFJI (2) ACEK (3) DHIN (4) GMO

四、(1) in (2) from (3) for (4) by (5) to

五、1-5 ABBCA

六、1-4 ABAA

七、1-4 ×√×√

八、3  4  1  2  6  5

九、1. A  was  2. C  windy  3. A  took  4. C  too  5. C  see





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