

编辑部 软科 2019-04-01





在软科世界大学学术排名(ARWU)中,哈佛大学连续15年蝉联榜首,是当之无愧的世界第一高等学府。5月24日,哈佛大学举行了2018届毕业典礼,时任校长Drew Gilpin Faust进行了演讲。Drew Gilpin Faust是哈佛大学建校300多年来唯一的女校长,十一年前,她刚当选哈佛大学校长曾说过,“我不是哈佛的女校长,我是哈佛的校长”,给人留下了深刻的印象。Drew Gilpin Faust的硕士与博士均就读于宾夕法尼亚大学,随后在宾夕法尼亚大学任教长达26年,主要研究美国南方战前历史和美国内战历史,但她没有任何在哈佛大学的学习经历,这在注重“血统”的哈佛大学非常难得。6月30日,Drew Gilpin Faust卸任哈佛大学校长一职,将接力棒传给了哈佛大学的第29任校长Lawrence S. Bacow。Drew Gilpin Faust在卸任前的最后一次毕业典礼上鼓励学生永存希望,追求真理。

哈佛大学前任校长Drew Gilpin Faust


Truth serves as inspiration and aspiration in all we do; it pulls us toward the future and its possibilities for seeing more clearly, understanding more fully, and improving ourselves and the world. Its pursuit is fueled by hope. Hope joins with truth as the very essence of a university.


And so I come back to hope — the hope implicit in our efforts to model a different way for humans to live and work together, the hope in the ideas and discoveries that are the currency we trade in, the hope in the bright futures of those who graduate today. Yet as I step down from my responsibilities as Harvard president, I am keenly aware of another of hope’s fundamental attributes. It implies work still unfinished, aspirations not yet matched by achievement, possibilities yet to be seized and realized. Hope is a challenge. 


The work is unfinished. The job remains still to be done in times that make it perhaps more difficult than ever. May we continue to challenge ourselves with the hope of all we can be and with the unwavering determination to be that. 




虽然斯坦福大学的成立时间比哈佛大学晚了两百多年,但发展速度迅猛,目前已经成长为一所完全可以与哈佛大学比肩的顶尖学府,同时也是世界科技创新高地“硅谷”的核心。现任校长Marc Tessier-Lavigne是斯坦福大学的第11任校长,是一名出色的神经生物学家,早在上世纪90年代他就已经取得过公认为诺贝尔奖级别的研究成果,并先后当选为美国国家科学院和医学科学院的院士。

斯坦福大学校长Marc Tessier-Lavigne


Your years at Stanford have been a time of intellectual discovery, incredible accomplishment, and extraordinary dedication. Today, we honor all that you have achieved, and with all the ceremony that such achievement warrants. 


My hope, as you enter the world as graduates, is this: That we, at Stanford, have prepared you for both a life of purpose and a life of continual exploration. 


In closing, as you start a new journey as graduates of Stanford, I hope you will remember these words: Let today serve as a beginning, and not just an ending. Seek those measures of excellence that are meaningful – that serve as true measures of the power of your offering to the world. And most importantly: Live a life of purpose and a life of continual exploration. 




麻省理工学院素以顶尖的理工学科水平闻名于世,它和哈佛大学共同坐落于马萨诸塞州波士顿都市区剑桥市,两校相爱相杀,携手共进。现任校长L. Rafael Reif是知名的电气工程师,他出生于委内瑞拉,在委内瑞拉完成本科阶段的学习,取得了斯坦福大学的电气工程博士学位。随后,他到麻省理工学院任教,一路从助理教授、副教授、正教授再到教务长不断晋升,最终成为了麻省理工学院第17任校长,至今已经执掌麻省理工学院六个年头,可以说他的整个学术生涯和职业生涯都和麻省理工学院紧紧地联系在一起。

麻省理工学院校长L. Rafael Reif


And because the people of MIT also like to fix things that are broken, as you strive to hack the world, please try to heal the world, too. Our society is like a big, complicated family, in the midst of a terrible argument. I believe that one way to make it better is to find ways to listen to each other, to understand our differences, and to work constantly to remind each other of our common humanity. I know you will find your own ways to help with this healing, too.


This morning, I see more than 2,800 new graduates, who are ready for this urgent and timeless problem set. You came to MIT with exceptional qualities of your own. And now, after years of focused and intense dedication, you leave us, equipped with adistinctive set of skills, and steeped in this community’s deepest values: A commitment to excellence. Integrity. Meritocracy. Boldness. Humility. An open spirit of collaboration. A strong desire to make a positive impact. And a sense of responsibility to make the world a better place. 





和上述三所顶尖的私立大学不同,加州大学伯克利分校是美国排名第一的公立大学,也是10所加州大学分校中排名最高的一所。它坐落于旧金山湾区,和斯坦福大学并称“硅谷双雄”,共同构成了整个美国西部学术发展的引擎。和哈佛大学的前任校长Drew Gilpin Faust一样,加州大学伯克利分校的现任校长Carol T. Christ也是这所大学建校100多年来首位女校长。Carol T. Christ是研究维多利亚时期文学的知名学者,已经在伯克利分校工作了30多年,历任英语系主任、高级副校长和教务长等职。

加州大学伯克利分校校长Carol T. Christ


As surely as this institution has left its mark you, you have left your mark on Berkeley. When you saw the need for change at our institution, you seized it – and our university is richer and better for your efforts. 


I hope you will take the ability to voice what it is you believe, even when you know others may not share your perspective. 


I hope you will take with you a sense of confidence in your own abilities and powers. In whatever sphere you choose to live and work, you have much to contribute. Belief in yourself is the foundation of leadership. 


A Berkeley degree is also a privilege, and with it comes the responsibility of using your education to contribute to a society that needs your energy, your intelligence, and your help. 





普林斯顿大学和哈佛大学同属美国八所常春藤盟校之列,是一所历史悠久、学风传统严谨,以理论学术研究见长的高等学府,曾培养出30多位诺贝尔奖得主。普林斯顿大学的现任校长Christopher L. Eisgruber是普林斯顿大学第20任校长,已任职5年。当地时间6月5日,校长Christopher L. Eisgruber在毕业典礼上发表了题为“The Value of a College Degree”(大学学位的价值)的演讲,相信能为不少迷茫的大学生们解开心中疑惑。

普林斯顿大学校长Christopher L. Eisgruber


So I ask again: why would anyone think we need fewer college graduates? I think there is a simple answer. Education requires high-quality teaching. Teaching, in turn, depends upon skilled labor, which is expensive. As a result, the up-front cost for education is real, large, and easy to measure. The returns are equally real and even larger, but they accrue over a lifetime, are hard to measure, and vary from person to person. 


It is tempting to wish that you could get more certainty at lower cost. The people who call for fewer degrees yield to that temptation. They emphasize the short-term. They focus almost entirely on the price of college and on the salaries students might earn in their first jobs. That is a mistake. 


A college education is a long-term investment. It enables graduates to develop and adapt, and it pays off spectacularly in the long run. The idea that we would be better off with fewer college graduates is a short-term swindle, a swindle that will cheat America’s young people, weaken the nation’s economy, and undermine our future. We need to have the confidence to invest in our young people and to ensure that a college education is accessible and affordable for students from all backgrounds and financial circumstances. 


I hope that all of you who graduate today, and who experience the power of education in your own lives, will become advocates for the value of higher education in our society. There is a national conversation taking place right now about the value of higher education, and we need your voice in that conversation. We need you, in other words, to help others to achieve in the future what you achieve today. 




哥伦比亚大学坐落于繁华的纽约市中心曼哈顿,是美国八所常春藤盟校之一,拥有世界顶尖的新闻学院、法学院和医学院等。美国前任总统奥巴马和第32任总统富兰克林·罗斯福等4位总统都曾就读于哥伦比亚大学。哥伦比亚大学现任校长Lee C. Bollinger是著名的法学家,也是美国艺术与科学院院士,他曾担任过达特茅斯学院的教务长、密歇根大学校长等职,于2002年就任哥伦比亚大学第19任校长。日前,在哥伦比亚大学第264届毕业典礼上,校长Lee C. Bollinger在雨中进行了有关哥大核心课程的演讲。

哥伦比亚大学校长Lee C. Bollinger


……a core is a set of values and intellectual habits of mind that are essential to the health and well-being of any society, any institution, and any individual. When they weaken, they must be shored up; when they are challenged, they must be defended. 


For the Core has taught you to engage differently, even in the face of the most disagreeable voices and the most intractable-seeming problems. And if you believe, as I do, that the Core is to the University what the University is to society, the greatest application of what you have learned here is still to come. It is about acting as a bulwark against our natural inclination to intolerance, and leading our enduring search for those critical shared truths. It is about projecting the spirit of the Core out into the world, whatever part of the world you make your own. 





耶鲁大学诞生于1701年,是美国历史上建立的第三所大学,也是八大常春藤盟校之一。现任校长Peter Salovey是著名的心理学家,他先后就读于斯坦福大学和耶鲁大学。自2000年起,他历任耶鲁大学心理学系主任、艺术和科学研究生院院长、耶鲁学院院长和耶鲁大学教务长,最终于2013年成为耶鲁大学第23任校长。在耶鲁大学2018年毕业典礼上,Peter Salovey 发表了以“Drawing a Larger Circle”(画一个更大的圈)为题的演讲,鼓励学生不断拓展自己的生活圈以丰富自己的思想。

耶鲁大学校长Peter Salovey


First, make sure your circles are truly large. In today’s world, where you can have 700 followers on Twitter and a thousand friends on Facebook, it may seem easy to have a large circle. But if you’re bombarded with the same stories, memes, and opinions from all your so-called friends, then your world may in fact be quite narrow. A conversation with six friends in real life actually may lead to a greater variety of ideas and perspectives. 


My second piece of advice—and here I am taking some liberties with the metaphor—is to draw as many circles as you can. One circle will be your work. Make sure you enjoy it, but make sure you have other circles as well. We know one of the keys to happiness is developing a passion—even an expertise—outside of work. Sharing that passion with others gives us great joy, and it connects us to other circles of friends and associates who might be very different from the ones we would meet otherwise. 


Third and finally, let me suggest one important way we can expand our circles—by reaching out and engaging with others. 





















