
人教版新起点五年级英语上册Revision 2(含音频、视频、教材、练习、课件教案)








Revision 2 复习二

Let's Review 一起复习吧

A Listen and circle. 听并画圈。

Dialogue 1 对话一

What do you need for school? 你上学需要什么?

I need an exercise book and a box of crayons. 我需要一个练习本和一盒蜡笔。

Do you need a pencil sharpener? 你需要一个转笔刀吗?

It's only 10 yuan. 只需要十元。

Sure, let's buy one. 当然,我们一起买一个吧。

Dialogue 2 对话二

I like that pair of purple trousers. 我喜欢那条紫色的裤子。

What do you think, mum? 你觉得呢,妈妈?

It's great! How much is it? 很棒!多少钱?

I don't know. 我不知道。

Can I help you? 有什么需要帮助的吗?

Yes. How much is that pair of purple trousers? 是的。那条紫色的裤子多少钱?

It's 80 yuan. 八十元。

Do you like the green sweater? 你喜欢绿色的毛衣吗?

Yes. I like the colour. 是的。我喜欢颜色。

I also like the blue coat. 我还喜欢蓝色的大衣。

OK. We'll take them all. 好。我们都要了。


B Read and fill in the chart.读并填表。

I'd like to make some TV shows for our school. 我想给我们学校做一些电视节目。

That's a great idea! 好主意!

I like game shows. Let's do a game show. They're fun. 我喜欢比赛。我们做比赛节目吧。很有趣。

Let's do a talk show, too. I'd like to be the host of the talk show. 我们做脱口秀吧。我喜欢当脱口秀节目主持人。

Really? Let's do a news show. 真的吗?我们做新闻吧。

I want to be a news announcer. That is an exciting job. 我想当新闻播报员。是让人激动的工作。

I'd like to put on a quiz show. It's very exciting. 我想做一个问答节目。很振奋人心。

I want to be on a quiz show. Lily, what do you want to do? 我想去问答节目。丽丽,你想做什么?

Let's do a nature show. I really like to see animals. 让我们做一个自然节目吧。我非常喜欢看动物

Story Time 故事时间

A Let's read. 一起读吧。

Joy is going to have a birthday party on Sunday. 乔伊周日要举办生日派对。

She invites her friends to come. 她邀请了朋友们来参加。

Please come to my home for my birthday party on Sunday. 周日请来参加我的生日派对。

Andy wants to buy a special present for Joy. 安迪想给乔伊买个特别的礼物。

Andy turns on the TV. 安迪打开电视。

He sees a man. 他看到一个男人。

The man is talking about a toy dog. 男人在讨论玩具狗。

That's a great present for Joy. 很适合作为礼物送给乔伊。

She loves dogs. 她喜欢狗。

Andy wants to buy the toy dog for Joy. 安迪想给乔伊买玩具狗。

He calls a toy shop. 他给玩具店打电话。

She tells him they have the toy dog. 她告诉他他们有玩具狗。

It is only 20 yuan. 只需要二十元。

I will come to your shop tomorrow. 我明天要去你店里。

Andy, Yaoyao. Binbin, Bill and Lily arrive at Joy's home. 安迪,瑶瑶,彬彬,比尔和丽丽到了乔伊家。

Welcome to my birthday party. 欢迎来到我的生日派对。

I have a surprise for you. 我有个惊喜给你。

Me too. 我也是。

All the children have presents for Joy. 所有人都给乔伊买了礼物。

Joy is very happy. 乔伊很开心。

Happy Birthday! 生日快乐!

Joy is very surprised. 乔伊很惊喜。

She has five cute, funny dogs! 她有了五只可爱、有趣的狗。

Wow! I love them all. 哇!我全都喜欢。

What a surprise. 真是惊喜。


5. o f l r o __________  6. o h w __________

7. e r a s r e __________  8. a t e r f __________


( ) 1. How ________ is your schoolbag?

A. much  B. many  C. big

( ) 2. Maybe Bill ________ the answer to this question.

A. know  B. knows  C. to know

( ) 3. They are not on your ________ list.

A. shop  B. shoping  C. shopping

( ) 4. The black horse is ________ than the white horse.

A. taller  B. tallest  C. tall

( ) 5. Jane ________ in our class.

A. dance fastest  B. dances fastest  C. dances the fastest

( ) 6. He has only put on half of ________.

A. his shoes  B. he shoes  C. his shoe

( ) 7. There ________ a toy dog and two pens in the box.

A. is  B. are  C. have

( ) 8. We talk and laugh ________ a long time.

A. to  B. at  C. for

( ) 9. There ________ 3 people in my family.

A. are  B. is  C. /

( ) 10. She invites her friends ________.

A. come  B. comes  C. to come


1. Sally is very ________ (friend) and popular.

2. There are ________ (many) trees in the countryside.

3. This computer is ________ (work), Mary.

4. The blue whale is the world’s ________ (big) animal.

5. I ’ ll ________ (take) the green jeans, please

6. What do you need ________ (make) it, Mum?

7. China ________ (grow) the most rice in the world.

8. I want to be a news ________ (announce).


( ) 1. May I ask you some questions?

A. Sure.  B. Yes, I am.

( ) 2. How much is the coat?

A. It ’s 150 yuan.  B. They’re 100 yuan.

( ) 3. What’s your favourite animal show?

A. I like animal shows.  B. The Magic Earth.

( ) 4. What time is Quiz Show on?

A. It ’s on at 9:30.  B. It’s at 9:30.

( ) 5. Which mountain is the highest in China?

A. The Changjiang River.  B. Mount Qomolangma.


一、1. better 2. fatest 3. potatoes 4. youngest 5. does 6. classes 7. washes 8. the most beautiful 9. thin 10. running


1. long; dress 2. tall; long; ruler 3. most quiet; well 4. How much; They are

三、1. winter 2. pant 3. pretty 4. quiet 5. floor 6. how 7. eraser 8. after




1. friendly 2. many 3. working 4. the biggest 5. take 6. to make 7. grows 8. announcer





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