
仁爱版英语八年级上册Unit 1 单元测试(含听力)

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Unit 1 Playing Sports


仁爱版英语八年级上册Unit 1 单元测试









第一部分  听力 (25分)


1. _______  2. _______  3. _______  4. _______  5. _______

Ⅱ. 听句子,选择与所听句子意思相同或相近的一项。每个句子读一遍。(5分)

(    )6. A. I don’t like playing basketball.

             B. Basketball is my favorite.

             C. Sometimes I play basketball.

(    )7. A. Ding Kang won the game.

             B. The winner must be Ding Kang in the game.

             C. I believe Ding Kang will lose the game.

(    )8. A. Kangkang is good at Chinese.

             B. Kangkang isn’t good at Chinese.

             C. Kangkang does well in English.

(    )9. A. There is loud speaking in the classroom.

             B. There is loud speaking in the reading room.

             C. There is no one speaking loudly in the reading room.

(    )10. A. Da Wei often gives a hand to foreign visitors.

              B. Da Wei is a foreigner.

              C. Da Wei won’t help foreigners.

Ⅲ. 听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每组对话及问题读两遍。(5分)

(    )11. A. Basketball. B. Tennis. C. Football.

(    )12. A. No, it isn’t. B. Yes, it is. C. They all forget it.

(    )13. A. To the playground.                            

            B. To the reading room.

         C. To the classroom.

(    )14. A. They’re playing basketball.                

            B. They’re reading.

            C. They’re watching a match.

(    )15. A. One.  B. Two C. Three

Ⅳ. 听对话,完成表格。对话读三遍。(5分)




He is going to 16.            .

He prefers 17.          .  

He is 18.            playing soccer.


She likes doing sports 19.           .

She likes 20.             best.

Ⅴ. 听短文,选择正确答案。短文读三遍。(5分)

(    )21. How was the match?

              A. Exciting.  B. Bad. C. Boring (令人生厌的).

(    )22. When did the match start?

              A. At one. B. At two. C. At three.

(    )23. What was the result (结果) in the first half of the match?

              A. 0 to 0. B. 1 to 0.  C. 2 to 0.

(    )24. When did Sam kick the ball into the right corner of the goal?

              A. In the first half of the match.

              B. Almost at the beginning of the match.

              C. Almost at the end of the match.

(    )25. What was the result of the match for Sam’s team?

              A. 0 to 0. B. 2 to 0.  C. 1 to 0.

第二部分  基础知识运用(65分)

Ⅰ. 单项选择。(15分)

(    )1. —Would you like to climb mountains with me this Sunday?

             —I’d love to. But I _______ play table tennis against Class Three.

            A. am going   B. am going to            

            C. am              D. going to

(    )2. —Do you like swimming?

             —Yes, swimming is a good way _______ fit.

            A. keep B. to keep   C. keeping   D. keeps

(    )3. —Would you please _______ so much noise?

             —Oh, sorry, I won’t.

            A. not make   B. don’t make 

            C. not to make   D. making

(    )4. —When and where _______ we meet?

             —Let’s make it 3:00 at my home.

            A. do B. must  C. shall   D. did

(    )5. —I talked with a foreigner for a long time yesterday.

              —Great! It’s a good _______ to practice English.

            A. habit  B. chance  C. skill  D. exercise

(    )6. The shirt looks very nice. I guess it is _______ 100 yuan.

            A. at first   B. at most   C. at least  D. at last

(    )7. —Would you mind _______here?

             —I’m sorry about that. I’ll go somewhere else.

            A. no smoking        B. not smoking            

            C. no smoke      D. not smoke

(    )8. —_______ do you play computer games?

—Every night.
A. How long         B. When                     

C. How much        D. How often

(    )9. I think _______ a foreign language is not easy. You should _______ it often.

            A. to learn; to practice  B. learning; practice

            C. learn; practicing        D. learns; to practice

(    )10. There _______ a football match next week. Shall we go and watch it?

          A. will have  B. has   C. have   D. will be

(    )11. —Don’t be late next time!


              A. Sorry, I won’t.   B. Sorry, I don’t.

              C. All right, I won’t.   D. OK, I won’t.

(    )12. —When did your school hold the sports meet?

               —Last week. And I _______ the girls’ 400-metre race.

              A. joined     B. took part in

              C. will join   D. will take part in

(    )13. Don’t shout at him. He _______.

              A. will do his best  B. did well in             

              C. is good at     D. did his best

(    )14. We should _______ the school rules as students.

              A. break B. catch C. tell  D. follow

(    )15. Kangkang won the first place in the _______ in the school sports meet last week.

              A. boy’s 100-meter race                           

              B. boys’ 100-meter race

              C. boy’s 100-meters race                          

              D. boys’ 100-meters race

Ⅱ. 情景交际。(10分)

(A) 从下面方框中选择适当的选项补全对话,其中有两项是多余的。(5分)

A:Hi, Jim.   16 

B:I am going to the gym.

A:  17 

B:I’m going to take part in the football match there.   18 

A:Of course. I’ll go there to cheer you on.

B:Oh. It’s very good.   19 

A:Yes, I do. But I don’t play it very well.

B:You need more practice.

A:Yes, you’re right.   20 

B:At five o’clock.

A:Oh, it’s ten past four now. Let’s hurry.

A. How   long will it last?

B. Do you   like playing football?

C. Would   you like to go with me?

D. Where   are you going?

E. When   will the match start?

F. What   are you going there for?

G. Will   you enjoy soccer?

16.        17.        18.        19.        20.        

(B) 在下列横线上填入适当的句子,补全对话。(5分)

A:Would you like to watch TV now?


A:The football game between China and Japan,of course.


A:What? You don’t want to see it? Then what do you prefer?


A:But you can watch a TV film any other day.

B:Then I’m going out.


B:To the store.


B:I’m going to buy another TV set so that we don’t have to talk about what to watch every day.

Ⅲ. 完形填空。(10分)

A lot of students are having all kinds of sports on the sports field. A football game is going on right now   26   Class 3 and Class 4. We don’t know which team will   27  . Look at those people over there! Some students of Class 1 are practicing the   28   jump. One of them is the best high jumper in the school. He practices hard every day. Many people think he will  29   the school record (纪录) in the sports meet next spring. Not far away from them, some girls are preparing for a race. They   30   have a 600-meter race in ten minutes. Now on the corner of the field, you can see another group (群) of students. Their teacher is telling them  31   to throw discus (铁饼).

In schools,   32   students love sports now. Sports help people to keep   33  . They also help people to live happily. And   34   doing sports on the sports field, many people will   35   good friends, too. Do you think so?

(    )26. A. in   B. between C. from  D. of

(    )27. A. win   B. winning   C. fall  D. falling

(    )28. A. long  B. far  C. high   D. tall

(    )29. A. break  B. turn  C. leave  D. name

(    )30. A. were  B. going to  C. were going to  D. will

(    )31. A. what  B. how   C. which D. that

(    )32. A. much and much B. most and most

            C. many and many D. more and more

(    )33. A. health  B. tired C. healthy D. happy

(    )34. A. in B. before  C. after   D. over

(    )35. A. become B. change C. get   D. bring

Ⅳ. 阅读理解。(30分)(其中A、B两篇每小题1分,C、D两篇每小题2分)


My father is seventy-five years old this year. But he looks very young. He looks like a sixty-year-old man. Now he can do everything all by himself. For example, he cooks, washes clothes, does the housework and so on.

Every morning, my father goes out with a radio. He listens to the music or the news and goes to the park to play taijiquan. In the park, he talks and laughs with other old people. After coming back from the park, he begins to have breakfast and then he goes to the university (大学) for the old. He learns drawing there. In the afternoon, he plays on the computer for about one or two hours. After supper he watches TV and learns about the world. He goes to bed at about eight o’clock. He never stays up. He likes to share his ways of keeping healthy with others.

Are you healthy? If not, what do you learn from my father’s secret of keeping healthy?


(    )36. The writer’s father will be         years old next year.

               A. 60    B. 61    C. 75   D. 76

(    )37. The passage doesn’t tell us whether the writer’s father can        .

       A. play taijiquan  B. swim  C. wash clothes  D. cook

(    )38. The writer’s father         after breakfast.

      A. listens to music     B. plays taijiquan

      C. talks to other old people   D. goes to learn drawing

(    )39. Which of the following is TRUE?

       A.   The writer’s father is a young man.

       B.   The writer’s father goes to bed early.

       C.   The writer’s father is a computer fan.

       D.   No one knows why the writer’s father looks young.

(    )40. The writer’s father goes to         to play taijiquan.

       A. the school B. the university         

       C. the park    D. the zoo


One Sunday, Cody decided to go sailing in his boat with his friend Dane, but Dane happened to be away. Dane’s brother Brett wanted to go instead though he did not know anything about sailing. Cody agreed and they set out to sea.

Soon they found themselves in a thick fog. Cody was sure they would be hit by a big ship. Fortunately (幸运地), he saw a large buoy (浮标) through the fog and decided to tie the boat to it for safety. As he was getting onto the buoy, however, he dropped the wet rope. The boat moved away in the fog carrying Brett who did not know how to use the radio. He drifted (漂流) about and was not seen until twelve hours later.

Cody spent the night on the buoy. In the early morning he fell asleep and was having a dream when a shout woke him up. A ship, the Good Hope, came up and he climbed onto it and thanked the captainThe captain told him that Brett had been picked up by another ship and the ship’s captain had sent out a message.


(    )41. Cody went sailing in his boat with his friend’s brother Brett.

(    )42. About sailing, Brett knew a little.

(    )43. Soon they got into trouble because of the thick fog.

(    )44. They drifted about and were not seen until twelve hours later.

(    )45. Brett was saved by the ship, the Good Hope.


Baseball is one of the favorite sports in theUSA. Children play baseball in sports fields or parks.

At summer picnic, there is often an informal baseball game. Boys and girls, young and old take turns to bat. There are nine players on each team.

The baseball season goes from April to September. During this time, baseball matches are showed on TV and members of the important baseball teams become America’s heroes (英雄). At the end of the season, the two top teams play against each other. Many baseball fans go together to watch the game. Millions of others listen to the radio or watch the television. People seem to talk only about the game. Even long after it is over, they still talk about the result and the players.

American football is perhaps the most popular sport in theUSA. The football season begins when the baseball season ends. More people are interested in football than baseball. When there is an important game, thousands of people sit beside radios or in front of television sets to get the result.


(    )46. According to the passage, which is NOT true?

               A. Boys and girls like baseball games.

               B. Baseball is played in the open air.

               C. A baseball match has nine players.

               D. Children sometimes play baseball in parks.

(    )47. American people play baseball in April, _______ and September.

               A. May, June, July, August

               B. March, May, July, August

               C. January, June, October, November

               D. February, May, July, December

(    )48. What happens at the end of the baseball season?

               A. People talk only about football games.

               B. Many baseball fans become members of top teams.

               C. A lot of people join in the games.

               D. Two top teams play a wonderful baseball game against each other.

(    )49. _______ follows the baseball season in theU. S.   A.

               A. The baseball season  B. The football season

               C. A baseball match  D. A football match

(    )50. This passage mainly tells us something about _______.

               A. the football season in theUSA

               B. football is more interesting than baseball in theUSA

               C. the difference between baseball and football

               D. the baseball season in theUSA


Boys and girls! There is a basketball match in Zhongshan Park this Saturday afternoon. The basketball match will begin at 3 :00 p.m., but we’ll go there a little earlier. Zhongshan Park is far from our school, it will take us half an hour to go there on school bus, so we’ll meet at 2:30 at the school gate. If you are late, you can take No.17 bus there. The match is between our school team and the team of No.1 Middle School. Though the players are from different classes, the captain Li Yong makes all of them get on well with each other. They won the first prize last year, but No. 1 Middle School team was just behind our team. So the match is important for all of us. A wonderful and exciting match. Please come and join us.


Information  Card

   51   Match

Place:   52   

Time: At    53    this Saturday   afternoon

Teams:Our    54    team VS No.1 Middle School team

Where can we   probably see the poster?   55   .

51.       52.       53.       54.        55.       

第三部分  写作(30分)

Ⅰ. 词汇。(15分)


1. Liu Xiang broke the Olympic r_______ and won a gold medal in the 2004 Athens Olympics.

2. They are l_______ for Beijing the day after tomorrow.

3. He is going to be a scientist in the f_______.

4. When you get home from school, you should r_______ yourself with music.

5. Li Lei is always careless (粗心的), but his sister always works c_______.


6. He practices _______ (speak) English every day.

7. I felt _______ (excite) about the news.

8. Who _______ (invent) basketball in 1891?

9. He is going away for at _______ (little) a week.

10. Doing morning exercises is a good way to keep _______ (health).


instead of,   leave for, have fun, follow the rules, be good for, cheer … on, take part in

11. Would you like to _______ our team _______?

12. As a student, you must _______ of your school.

13. Excising _______ our health.

14. Will you _______ our English Corner?

15. My father _______ Shanghai yesterday.

Ⅱ. 书面表达。(15分) 









Unit 1  单元测试

第一部分  听力

Ⅰ. 1. B  2. D  3. E  4. A  5. C

Ⅱ. 6. B  7. B  8. B  9. B  10. A

Ⅲ. 11. C  12. A  13. A  14. C  15. B


16. do some sports

17. playing basketball

18. not good at

19. quite a lot

20. soccer/playing soccer

Ⅴ. 21. A  22. C  23. A  24. C  25. C

第二部分  基础知识运用


1. B   考查一般将来时的be going to结构,故选B。

2. B   考查词组a good way to do sth., 意为……最好的方式” ,故选B

3. A   考查would you please的否定用法应为would you please + not + do,故选A

4. C   shall在此表示征询意见,常用于第一人称的疑问句中,故选C

5. B   根据句意可知“这是一个练习说英语的好机会”,故选B

6. C   根据句意可知“这么好的衬衫最低也得100元”,故选C

7. B   考查Would you mind not doing sth.句型,故选B

8. D   根据答语可知是对频率进行提问,故选D

9. B   考查动名词作主语和主语+should+动词原形” ,故选B

10. D 考查there be的一般将来时结构there will bethere is going to be,故选B

11. A 考查祈使句的应答。根据语境应用Sorry, I won’t. ,故选A

12. B 根据 take part in/ join in+活动;join+组织可知,故选B

13. D 本句意为别朝他嚷嚷,他已经尽力了” 可见事已做完,应为过去时,故选D

14. D 因为 follow the rules是遵守纪律,故选D

15. B 因为“数词—名词单数”结构做定语,故选B


(A) 16. D  17. F  18. C  19. B  20. E


21. What shall we watch?

22. But I don’t like football.

23. I’d like to see a TV film.

24. Where are you going?

25. What for?


26. B  between . . . and表示“在……之间”。

27. A 根据will后跟动词原形以及我们不知道哪个队会赢可知,故选A

28. C  根据下句他们中的一个是学校跳得最高的可知他们在练习跳高,故选C

29. A  根据上句 “他每天都刻苦练习,所以人们认为他会破纪录可知,故选A

30. D  in ten minutes表示十分钟后”, 故这里用一般将来时,故选D

31. B 本句是说老师正在告诉他们怎样掷铁饼,故选B

32. D 此句应选D, 表示越来越多的学生喜爱体育 ,故选D

33. C  keep是系动词后跟形容词作表语,故选C

34. C  本句表示运动过后很多人都会成为朋友,故选C

35. A become“变成”, 后跟名词、代词、分词,故选A

Ⅳ. (A)

36. D  根据第一段第一句“今年父亲75”可知明年76,故选D

37. B  根据第一段末句和第二段第二句可知,“父亲会洗衣、做饭、打太极”,故选B

38. D 根据第二段前四句可知“作者父亲早饭前听音乐,打太极和老人交谈。早饭后去学画画”,故选D

39. B 根据段意,作者父亲看上去比实际年龄小而非他就是年轻人;晚8点睡觉说明休息早;老人上网但不是网虫;老人喜欢与人分享健康经。综上可知,故选B

40. C  根据第二段第二句“他去公园打太极”可知,故选C


41. T 根据第一段第二句可知,故说法是正确的。

42. F 根据第一段第二句可知Brett对航海一无所知,故说法是错误。

43. T 根据第二段第一句可知,故说法是正确的。

44. F 根据第二段最后一句可知只有Brett一个人到处漂流,直到十二个小时后才被发现,故说法错误。

45. F 根据最后一段最后一句可知Brett被另一艘船救助,故说法错误。


46.C 根据第二段最后一句可知,“每个队有9名队员”,那么整个比赛应该是18名队员,C

47. A 根据第三段第一句可知棒球赛季从四月到九月,故选A

48. D  根据第三段第三句可知赛季的末期,两个最好的队还要进行一场决赛,故选D

49. B  根据最后一段第二句可知 “足球赛季在棒球赛季结束后,故选B

50. D  本文主要描述的是棒球,故选D


51. Basketball    52. Zhongshan Park  53. 3:00 p.m.

54. school      55. At school

第三部分  写作


(A) 1. record  2. leaving  3. future  4. relax  5. carefully

 (B) 6. speaking  7. excited  8. invented  9. least  10. healthy

 (C)11. cheer; on  12. follow the rules  13. is good for  14. take part in  15. left for

Ⅱ. 参考范文


16. I’m going to visit the Great Wall by taxi.

17. Running can make me strong.

18. Kangkang is kicking the football to Mike.

19. They do well in dancing.

20. He often helps me with my English.


I am Jack. My favorite sport is football. I often play football with my friends. I like Ronaldo very much. I want to be a scientist in the future. This is my dream. Steve is my classmate. He is good at swimming. He goes swimming twice a week. His favorite player is Sun Yang. His dream job is to be a great swimmer. What about Mary? Tennis is her favorite sport. She plays tennis every day. Her favorite player is Li Na. But her dream is to be a dancer.

听 力 材 料

Unit 1  单元测试

 Ⅰ. 听句子选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。

1. Running is a good way to keep healthy.

2. The Olympic rings stand for the five parts of the world.

3. Mary is good at singing.

4. (M:) My favorite sport is football.

5. Kangkang prefers swimming.

Ⅱ. 听句子选择与所听句子意思相同或相近的一项。每个句子读一遍。

6. I have great fun playing basketball.

7. I’m sure Ding Kang will win the game.

8. Kangkang does badly in Chinese.

9. Would you mind not speaking loudly in the reading room?

10. Da Wei often helps foreign visitors.

Ⅲ. 听对话和问题选择正确答案。每组对话和问题读两遍。

11. W: Which sport do you prefer, football or basketball?

M: Football.

Q: Which sport does the man prefer?

12. W: I’m sorry for losing your basketball.

M: Have you forgotten? You have already given it back to me.

Q: Is the basketball lost?

13. M: Hi, Wang Lin.

W: Hi, Ding Qiang. Where is your brother?

M: He is not here. You may go to the playground to find him.

W: OK, I will. Thank you.

Q: Where will Wang Lin go?

14. W: Oh. It’s a wonderful match!

M: Yes, I think so. I like both of the basketball teams.

Q: What are they doing?

15. W: Jack, do you like swimming?

M: Yes. I like skating, too.

Q: How many sports does Jack like?

Ⅳ. 听对话完成表格。对话读三遍。

M: Hi, Mary. Nice to meet you here.

W: Hi, Tom. Nice to meet you, too. What are you going to do this afternoon?

M: I’m going to do some sports. By the way, do you like sports?

W: Yes, I like sports quite a lot.

M: What’s your favorite sport?

W: I like soccer best. What about you?

M: I prefer playing basketball.

W: How about playing soccer with me?

M: I’m not good at it. Would you mind teaching me?

W: Not at all.

Ⅴ. 听短文选择正确答案。短文读三遍。

Sam is a good player. Last Saturday, there was a football match. The match started at three o’clock. It was very exciting. Both teams played very well, but there was no score in the first half of the match. After having a rest for ten minutes, the match started again, but there was still no score, either. However, at the end of the match, Sam kicked the ball into the right corner of the goal. The goal keeper could not catch the ball, so it went into the goal. At the end of the match, the score was 1 to 0 for Sam’s team.


Unit 1  单元测试

第一部分  听力

Ⅰ. 1. B  2. D  3. E  4. A  5. C

Ⅱ. 6. B  7. B  8. B  9. B  10. A

Ⅲ. 11. C  12. A  13. A  14. C  15. B


16. do some sports

17. playing basketball

18. not good at

19. quite a lot

20. soccer/playing soccer

Ⅴ. 21. A  22. C  23. A  24. C  25. C

第二部分  基础知识运用


1. B   考查一般将来时的be going to结构,故选B。

2. B   考查词组a good way to do sth., 意为……最好的方式” ,故选B

3. A   考查would you please的否定用法应为would you please + not + do,故选A

4. C   shall在此表示征询意见,常用于第一人称的疑问句中,故选C

5. B   根据句意可知“这是一个练习说英语的好机会”,故选B

6. C   根据句意可知“这么好的衬衫最低也得100元”,故选C

7. B   考查Would you mind not doing sth.句型,故选B

8. D   根据答语可知是对频率进行提问,故选D

9. B   考查动名词作主语和主语+should+动词原形” ,故选B

10. D 考查there be的一般将来时结构there will bethere is going to be,故选B

11. A 考查祈使句的应答。根据语境应用Sorry, I won’t. ,故选A

12. B 根据 take part in/ join in+活动;join+组织可知,故选B

13. D 本句意为别朝他嚷嚷,他已经尽力了” 可见事已做完,应为过去时,故选D

14. D 因为 follow the rules是遵守纪律,故选D

15. B 因为“数词—名词单数”结构做定语,故选B


(A) 16. D  17. F  18. C  19. B  20. E


21. What shall we watch?

22. But I don’t like football.

23. I’d like to see a TV film.

24. Where are you going?

25. What for?


26. B  between . . . and表示“在……之间”。

27. A 根据will后跟动词原形以及我们不知道哪个队会赢可知,故选A

28. C  根据下句他们中的一个是学校跳得最高的可知他们在练习跳高,故选C

29. A  根据上句 “他每天都刻苦练习,所以人们认为他会破纪录可知,故选A

30. D  in ten minutes表示十分钟后”, 故这里用一般将来时,故选D

31. B 本句是说老师正在告诉他们怎样掷铁饼,故选B

32. D 此句应选D, 表示越来越多的学生喜爱体育 ,故选D

33. C  keep是系动词后跟形容词作表语,故选C

34. C  本句表示运动过后很多人都会成为朋友,故选C

35. A become“变成”, 后跟名词、代词、分词,故选A

Ⅳ. (A)

36. D  根据第一段第一句“今年父亲75”可知明年76,故选D

37. B  根据第一段末句和第二段第二句可知,“父亲会洗衣、做饭、打太极”,故选B

38. D 根据第二段前四句可知“作者父亲早饭前听音乐,打太极和老人交谈。早饭后去学画画”,故选D

39. B 根据段意,作者父亲看上去比实际年龄小而非他就是年轻人;晚8点睡觉说明休息早;老人上网但不是网虫;老人喜欢与人分享健康经。综上可知,故选B

40. C  根据第二段第二句“他去公园打太极”可知,故选C


41. T 根据第一段第二句可知,故说法是正确的。

42. F 根据第一段第二句可知Brett对航海一无所知,故说法是错误。

43. T 根据第二段第一句可知,故说法是正确的。

44. F 根据第二段最后一句可知只有Brett一个人到处漂流,直到十二个小时后才被发现,故说法错误。

45. F 根据最后一段最后一句可知Brett被另一艘船救助,故说法错误。


46.C 根据第二段最后一句可知,“每个队有9名队员”,那么整个比赛应该是18名队员,C

47. A 根据第三段第一句可知棒球赛季从四月到九月,故选A

48. D  根据第三段第三句可知赛季的末期,两个最好的队还要进行一场决赛,故选D

49. B  根据最后一段第二句可知 “足球赛季在棒球赛季结束后,故选B

50. D  本文主要描述的是棒球,故选D


51. Basketball    52. Zhongshan Park  53. 3:00 p.m.

54. school      55. At school

第三部分  写作


(A) 1. record  2. leaving  3. future  4. relax  5. carefully

 (B) 6. speaking  7. excited  8. invented  9. least  10. healthy

 (C)11. cheer;on

Ⅱ. 参考范文


16. I’m going to visit the Great Wall by taxi.

17. Running can make me strong.

18. Kangkang is kicking the football to Mike.

19. They do well in dancing.

20. He often helps me with my English.


I am Jack. My favorite sport is football. I often play football with my friends. I like Ronaldo very much. I want to be a scientist in the future. This is my dream. Steve is my classmate. He is good at swimming. He goes swimming twice a week. His favorite player is Sun Yang. His dream job is to be a great swimmer. What about Mary? Tennis is her favorite sport. She plays tennis every day. Her favorite player is Li Na. But her dream is to be a dancer.


Topic One

1.see sb. do sth.  看见某人做过(常做,将做)某事

2.seesb. doing sth.看见某人正做某事

3.prefer ( preferred ) sth. / sb. = likesth. / sb. better     更喜欢

4.prefer to do / doing sth. = like to do/doing sth. better  更喜欢做

5.prefersth. /sb. (A) to sth. / sb. (B)喜欢A胜过B

 prefer doing A to doing B  喜欢做A胜过做B

6.during the summer holidays在暑假期间

7.cheer sb. on 为某人加油/喝彩、鼓励某人

8.practice doing sth.   练习做某事

9.quite a bit / a lot   相当多,很多

10.do sth. much = often do sth. 经常做某事

11.play table tennis   打乒乓球

12.know sb. about sb.了解关于某人的情况

13.play for 效力    grow up 成长

14.play against = have a game against比赛

15.be a basketball player like him / her 成为一个像他/她那样的篮球运动员

16.have a basketball game  举行篮球比赛

17.join the school skating/ swimming / rowing / cycling / volleyball team 


18.joinsb. 加入某人中

19.joinsb. in doing sth.  加入某人中做

20.join+组织  加入某组织,成为其中一员

21.join in ( = take part in = be in ) + 活动参加某活动比赛/运动项目

22.both…and… (作主语时谓语用复数)

23.both of them/us / you  他们/我们 / 你们中的两个

24.go cycling / mountain climbing去骑自行车/爬山

25.once / twice a week ( how often )每周一/二次

26.spend( spent ) + /时间+on sth. = spend +/时间( in ) doing sth. 花费

27.an hour 一小时   half an hour半小时

28.do exercise = play / do/ have  sports做运动,锻炼

29.be good at doing sth.= do well in doing sth. = do sth. well       擅长于做

30.be good / bad for sb. / sth. 有益/

31.thereis / are going to be = there will be  将有

32.a school sports meet     一次校运动会

33.make sb. strong    使某人强壮

34.all over the world 全世界

35.in the future 今后  aftersupper  晚饭后

36.be good / bad for health   对健康有益/

37.keep healthy = keep fit  保持健康

38.keep me / us. healthy   保持我/我们健康

39.a good way to do sth. = a good way ofdoing sth  的好方法

40.a good way to keep fit  保持健康的好方法

41.the day after tomorrow   后天

42.arrive in / at = get to = reach 到达某地

   arrive/ get / reach here / there / home 到家

43.leave sp      离开某地

44.leave A for B  离开某地去某地

leave for sp. = go to sp. 动身去某地

45.It’s too bad that… = It’s a pity that…很遗憾……


1.I am going to play basketball.

2.What are you going to do ?

3.Both he and I were at school yesterday.

4.She preferred swimming last year. = Sheliked swimming better last year.

5. What are you going to be when you growup ?

6. ---What is she going to be when shegrows up ?  ---She is going to be ascientist.

7.She spent much money on clothes lastyear. = She spent much money ( in ) buying clothes last year.

8.There is going to be( = will be ) a school sports meet next weekend.

Topic Two

1.give sb. a hand = help sb. 帮某人的忙

2. fall ( fell ) ill = be ill    生病   

3.be glad to do    乐意于做

4.oneof + pl. 作主语时谓语用单数)

  One of the heroes comes / is from China.

5.mind ( not ) doing sth.  介意(不)做

6.practice doing sth.        练习做

7.start / begin doing sth.    开始做某事

8.enjoy / like / love doing sth. 喜欢做某事

9.keep doing sth.     继续做某事

10.keep sb. doing sth.  让某人一直做某事

11.keep sb. from doing sth. = stop sb. (from ) doing sth.   阻止某人做某事

12.finish doing sth.  完成做某事

13.pass ( kick, throw, return, give, show, bring,teach ) sb. sth. = pass sth. to sb.

 (… )  …给某人

14.make ( buy, cook, sing ) sb. sth. = makesth. for sb.为某人做 (… )

15.somewhereelse / quiet / interesting 别的/安静的/有趣的地方

16.not at all /of course not / certainlynot 当然不

17.hadbetter ( not ) do sth. 最好(不)要做

18.in a minute = at once = right away/ now 立刻马上    下次做得更好

19.be sure to do sth.   一定/肯定做某事

20.be sure of / about sth.  对某事的把握

21.what sb said = sb’s  words  某人的话

22.do ( try ) one’s best to do sth. 尽力做某事

23.with one’s help = with the help of sb. 在某人的.帮助下

24.be important to for sb 对某人来说重要

25.be busy with sth. = be busy doing sth. 忙于(做)某事

26.one of the most popular sports 最受欢迎的运动之一

27.have a history of … years = with …years’history  年的历史

28.more than = over    多于,超过

29.sothat + 句子   以便

30.an indoor / outdoor game  一项室内/外运动

31.in bad weather  在恶劣的天气下

32.come into being = be born  形成,产生

33.put/throw…into…  ../放进

34.with one hand or both hands用一只或两只手

35.follow / break the rules 遵守/违反规则

36.have fun doing sth.  从做某事中得到乐趣

37.for example  such as   例如

38.a large number of + pl.  大量的,许多的

39.around / across the world = all over theworld 全世界

40.never mind     千万别介意

41.for fun = to have fun为了娱乐

42.twohundred / thousand  两百/

43.hundreds/ thousands of 数百的/千的

44.turn sb. / sth into  变成

45.hit sb. on the head / in the face打某人的头/

46.one …the other…(两个)一个,另一个

47.some …others…  一些,另一些


1.I’m sorry for what I said. = I’m sorryfor my words.

2.be sorry for doing sth. = be sorry to dosth. = be sorry + 句子  后悔/遗憾/难过

3.I’m sorry for breaking / to break yourruler. = I’m sorry I broke your ruler.

4.That’s Ok. /It’s nothing. /It doesn'tmatter. /    Never mind. 没关系

5.She bought me a bike. = She bought a bikefor me.

6.Could// Would you please ( not ) +do …?你能..?   表示请求

  Sure./ Of course. / Certainly. / No problem.

7.Will you join us ?  I’d be glad to.

8.Would you mind his teaching you English ?

= Would you mind if he teaches you English?

9.Would you mind doing sth ?

Not at all/Of course not/Certainly not .

Yes, please don’t.

10.I’m sorry you’d better not.

Topic Three

1.in the sports meet   在运动会上

2. have / hold a sports meet  举行运动会

3.on the playground   在操场上

4.an 8-year – old boy一个八岁大的男孩

5.boys’ ( girls’, women’s, men’s ) 800-meter race 男子/女子800米跑

6.have lots of / a lot / much fun    获得许多乐趣

7.lots of = a lot of = many / much许多,大量

8.prepare for sth.   为某事作准备

9.prepare to do sth.  为做作准备

10.make friends with sb.   与某人交朋友

11.a pair of running shoes   一双跑鞋

12.in the teachers’ relay race 在教师接力赛中

13.in the long / high jump 在跳远/高中

14.be coming   即将来临

15.the coming sports meet 即将来临的运动会

16.sports clothes / shoes/ bag运动服//

17.make it half past nice 约定在九点半   

18.good idea好主意 on thefarm在农场上

19.go to the movies去看电影

20.take a photo / photos of 照相

21.catch up with sb. sth.追上,赶上

22.neck and neck    齐头并进

23.at the bus stop    在汽车站

24.win first place = be the winner(s)获得第一名

25.win a gold medal 获得金牌

26.some other teachers其它一些老师

27.do badly / well in (doing )sth.在(做)方面做得差/

28.the first to do sth.   第一/最后一个做

29.be able to do sth. = can / could do sth.能做

30.will be able to do sth.  将会做

31.do more exercise  多锻炼

32.do sth. for the first / last time  第一/最后一次做

33.a / the symbol of ……的象征                                    

34.stand for   代表

35.at least 至少    at most 最多 

36.every four years ( how often )    每四年

37.do sth. in turn轮流做某事

38.have a / the chance to do sth.有机会做某事

39.host the Olympic Games   主办奥运会

40.feel ( felt ) excited 感到兴奋

41.an exciting match  一场令人兴奋的比赛

42.cross the finish line冲过终点线

43.another one 另一个


1.It’sone’s first timeto do sth. = sb. do sth. for the first time某人第一次做某事21*cnjy*com

2. my first time to take part in the highjump.

3.I take part in the high jump for thefirst time.

4.Let’s make it half past six.

5.Can he speak English ? = Is he able tospeak English ?

仁爱英语八年级上册 Unit 1 重点(超详细)

仁爱英语八年级上册Unit 1 topic 1

 Section A语言点讲解

1.      saw you play basketball almost every day duringthe Summer holidays.

常见的感官动词有:see, watch, hear, smell, feel 等。后可接动词ing形式,表此动作正在发生。动词原形,不表此动作正在发生表此动作已完成或存在的事实。

 Do you smell something           ? (burn)                 


 I often see him        basketball after class. ( play )           


2.      There is going to be a basketball gamebetween Class Three and our class this Sunday.

  There be 句型:表某地有某物have 表示某人有

(1)There is/ are..表现在某地有某物,is/are取决于后面的名词是单数还是复数,单数用is复数用are,

There is a pen and tworulers on the desk.

There are two rulers and a pen…

  (2)There was/were…表过去某地有某物。was/were的用法也遵循就近原则。

(3)There willbe  There is/aregoing to be 表某地将有某事物。不能说成There will have…

(题)           a match in our school betweenClass Three and Class Four next week.

3.      Would you like to come and cheer us on? ----- Sure, I’d love to.

1Would youlike + 不定式? 表建议或邀请。常用I’d love to 来回答,不同意也常用

I’d love to, but… ”来拒绝别人。如:

--Would you like to play basketball with me ?

-- I’d love to, but Ihave a lot of homework to do.

 2)在肯定句中 wouldlike= want 如: 

I’d like tohave a rest. = I want to have a rest.

4.      hope our teamwill win.---- Me , too.(= So do I.)

 hope + that从句,that 可省去。I hopethat I can see you soon.

 hope to do sth.               

I hope to see you soon.


(1)wish(愿)与hope的用法一样,后既可以接从句也可以接不定式,但不能说 hope sb. to do sth. (hope 后不接双宾语 wish 可以),如:

I hope you to help me ()  

I hope that you can help me.(对)

(2)hope 后接的从句常用将来时态表可以实现的愿望,而wish 后接的宾语从句常用过去时态表难以实现的愿望,如:

I hope you will come.

I wish I could fly to the moon.

5. Iprefer rowing.

 (1)prefer(过去式\过去分词需双写preferred) 后可直接接动词ing形式或动词不定式表更喜欢…,用法同like/ love:

I prefer swimming (更喜欢经常游泳

I prefer to swim.(更喜欢这一次去游泳)

(2)prefer (doing) A to (doing) B 相当于:like… better than…

    I prefer swimming to skating. ==I like swimming better than skating.

  (3) 后接不定式时与rather than instead of连用,如:He preferred to die rather than (to) steal. / He preferred to dieinstead of stealing. 他宁死也不去偷窃。

6. -----Doyou row much ?你经常划船吗?----- Yes , quite a bit /a lot是的,经常。

  quite a bit/ a lot 经常/许多,大量.

quite abit of 后接不可数名词,如:quite a bit ofmoney

quite a lot of 后既可接可数名词复数也可以接不可数名词,如:quitea lot of books/ information。而

quitea few=many 表“相当多”后接可数名词复数,如:quite a few students

quite a little =much表许多,后接不可数名词,如; quite a little money   

⑤very few / little 很少很少。

7.      Are you going to join the school rowing club

join 加入(人群,组织) 

take part in 参加(活动,比赛)


(1)join可与in连用,后接活动, take part in=join in = be in后都接活动。如:

He joined in thegame ;

He joined in helping the old man.

I’ll be in the relay race. 

(2) Join sb. in doing sth. 表加入某人的活动。 如:

Will you join us in playing basketball ?




How tall is he, do you know?

 Yes. He is 2.26 meters tall.


How tall(身高)多高

how high()多高;

how heavy多重;

how long 多长;

How wide 多宽;

how deep 多深;

how old 多大…. 对应的回答常用“数词+量词+形容词”,如:

1.70 meters tall;  

2 kilometers high 

3 kilosheavy; 

20 years old

2.      They both play for the HoustonRockets in the NBA.

play for 为某个队效力;

play against 与某个队比赛;

play with 玩某物/与某人玩


play basketball 打篮球;

Look, thebaby is playing with a basketball 玩弄一个篮球 

3.  what are you going to be when you grow up ?

=what do you want to be …?你长大想干什么?

5. David Beckham, a famous soccer star, arrived in Beijing with his team yesterday.


arrive at + (小地名)arrive in +(大地名)

 get to

③ reach

6.      The fans are very excited.

1excited 表“感到激动的、兴奋的”,常只作表语,主语常为。如:We are excited.

类似的有:interested有趣的; tired感到疲劳的; bored感到厌烦的

2exciting 表“令人激动兴奋的”既可作定语,也可作表语;作表语时,主语常为事物,如:

aninteresting book;

The book is interesting.





7.      It’s too bad that they aren’tgoing to stay in Beijingfor long.

主语是斜体that从句部分,前用it 来代替它。因此这是一个含主语从句的复合句。

It’s too badthat…= It’s a pity that…= It’s a shame that..很遗憾…..

8.      在英语中有一些表示位置移动的词,如:

gocomeleave, arrive, fly 可用现在进行时态表将来。如:They are flying to Wuhan tomorrow. (表将飞往武汉而不是正去武汉) They are leaving for Japan.= They will leave for Japan.

9.Zhang Yining, one of the world’s best women tabletennis players, won two gold medals for China.

(1)one of … 中的一个,后接可数名词的复数,如:one of my friends


two book shops,two shoe shops, manwomansports修饰可数名词复数时,常用复数形式,如:

two men teachers; sports meet 

(3)win a goldmedal赢得一枚金牌; win aprize 赢得奖品; win thefirst place 赢得第一名

10.What a shame != What a pity 多么遗憾!

   类似的有:What fun ! 多么有趣!

11.break the record 打破纪录;

keep the record 保持纪录

12.  Please write back soon.

    writeback 回信


1.      once a week, 一周一次twice a week一周两次三次或三次以上用“数字+times”如:

three times ayear, four times a day, five times a week,….. 

2.      go + v-ing形式的短语表“去做某事”如:go hiking 去徒步旅行,go shopping去购物, go skating 去滑冰,go skiing 去滑雪;go fishing 去钓鱼。

3.      she spends half an hour doing exercise in the gym every day.


do morning exercises 做早操;

do English exercises 做英语练习题;


do exercise 做运动。

exercise 还可作动词,指“锻炼,运动”如:

She exercises every morning. 

4.      She plays it pretty well.

pretty well=very well相当好

5.      She is also good at jumping.

be good at…= do well in…擅长… 

I am good atEnglish.= I do well in English.

be good for… 有好处,

Running isgood for your health.

反义词为:be bad at= do badly in 不擅长….

 be bad for … 有害

类似短语:be good/bad to sb. 对某人好/不好

6.      They are sure that she will win.

be sure +(that)从句,表“确信…” 如:I’m sure (that) eating too much isbad for you.

be sure to do sth..确信做某事We are sure to win next time.

be sure of/about (doing)sth. 表确信()某事 I’m sure ofthat.

7.      How often does she go cycling ?

(1)   go +动词ing形式,表进行某种户外活动,如:

go swimming, go fishing, go climbing.

(2)   How often问多久一次,频率。常用sometimes, seldom, twicea year等回答。

How long 问多久。常用“(For)一段时间”来回答

How soon 问多快(时间),用于将来时态。常用“In an hour 在一小时内等”来回答。如:

How soon will you comeback? -----In a week.


How many 多少(接可数名词复数形式)

How much 多少(接不可数名词)

How old 问年龄

How tall 多高(人、树)

How high 多高(山、楼)

How far 问距离 

⑦How long 还可以问物体的长度

(1)         is it from your home to your school------It’s two kilometers away.

 (2)           is the room------ It’s two meters wide.

 (3)           is the tree -------It’s three meters high.

8.Because it makes me strong and it is popular all over the world.因为它使我强壮并且它流行

make, let , have 当表“使,让”时是使令动词,后接动词原形。如:make me cry

make 后还可以接形容词,名词,

make me strong,  make him our monitor

9.keep healthy = keep fit 保持健康healthy=fit都是形容词,health 是名词)


1. Have a good day! 祝你今天玩得高兴  Have a good journey! 旅途愉快 Have a good time! 祝你过得愉快 Have a good weekend! 周末愉快


八年级上册Unit 1 topic 2

Section A

1.      Michael, could you please do me a favor?

(1)   Could you please = Would youplease…? 意为“请你好吗?”后接动词原形

(2)   do sb. a favor= help sb.= givesb. a hand  帮某人的忙。

2.      But one of my teammates fell ill。但是我们队友中的一员病了。

(1)One of +可数名词复数,表“….. 中之一”当它作主语时,是单数第三人称。如:

One of myfriends likes playing computer games 类似的短语有:

Some of …;中的一些 most of…中的大多数;

    (2) fall ill 生病(强调动作)be ill 病了(强调状态)如:

He fell ill yesterday, and now he is ill in bed.

3.      ----Would you mind teaching me ?----- Not at all. 你介意教教我吗?---- 不介意。

(1)   Would you mind (not)doing sth. 你介意()做某事吗?(礼貌地请求某人做或别做某事)回答去做的有:

Not at all  Of course not Certainly not  

回答不去做的有:SorryI won’t ./Yes, please don’t./ You’dbetter not.

(2)   Would you mind my/me smokinghere?(常用物主代词 my,her, his, our 等,少用代词宾格me,he, us )

4.      Let’s go and practice让我们去练习


We often practice spokenEnglish.(英语口语)

Let’s practice dancing.

5.  Sorry, I’ll put it somewhere else.

somewhere else 别的某个地方 somewhere 是不定副词,else 是形容词。形容词修饰不定副词、不定代词时,常放在其后。 如:something sweet甜食;Anything else ?还有别的吗?Nothing serious 不严重

6.  Don’t be late next time. --- Sorry, Iwon’t.(对不起,我将再也不会了)

be late 迟到,如:You are late again.

be late for…迟到 :He was late for school.

  (3) 回答否定祈使句常用:SorryI won’t. 如:

Don’t shout at me ! ---- Sorry, Iwon’t.

     回答肯定祈使句常用:OKI will.     如:

Please study hard. ---- OK, I will.

7Would you please say it in English. 你能用英语说一下它吗?

①Would you please (not) do sth (请求某人做某事)

②Wouldyou like todo sth. (提建议)

③Would youmind (not) doing sth ( 请求)

8.      That’s very kind of you, but I can manage it myself.太感谢你了,但我会自己处理的。

manage 作“管理,处理”时,结构为:manage sb./sth. 如:She managed the hotel well.

manage 作“设法做成某事”时,结构为:manage to do sth. 如:it’s too noisy here, I’ll manageto leave here. 注意比较try to dosth. 努力去做某事

   "It is+形容词+ofsb.to do sth..""Itis+形容词+for sb.to do sth.."这两个句型容易混淆。什么情况下用of for 是一个考点。实际上前者的形容词用来描述某人的,因此可以转换成: Sb.be+形容词+to do sth. 后者的形容词用来描述做某事的,可以转换成:To do sth.is+形容词。如:

   It is right of you to do more reading.= Youare right to do more reading. (right 用来描述you )

   It is easy foryou to finish the work. = To finish the work is easy for you. 


1.      You are always so careless !

always 除了用于一般现在时态中,也可用于进行时态中,be alwaysdoing sth. 总是…. 常用来赞扬某人,如:She is always helpingothers.

2.  Youmissed a good chance.(错过一个好机会)

miss意为思念,错过” 如:①I miss mymother very much.She missed the early bus.

3.  He did his best .他尽力了。

do one’s best=try one’s best 尽某人最大努力 

Do one’s best to do sth.=try one’s best

to do sth. 某人尽力去干某事 We will do/try our best to study English well.

4.Kangkang, would you mind sayingsorry to Michael? 你介意向Michael 道歉吗?

      Say sorry to sb 向某人道歉 

say hello to sb. 向某人打招呼/问候。

say goodbye to sb. 向某人道别。

5.      I am sorry for what I said. 我为我所说的道歉。

for 后面的what I said(我所说的) 是一个宾语从句。类似的还有:what I saw (我所见的)what Ithought about(我所考虑的)

 Be sorry for 表为…. 道歉,后面接名词、代词、从句或动名词。

Be sorry to do sth.

抱歉去做某事。有时①②可互换如:I’m sorry for troubling you.= I’m sorry to troubleyou.

6.      Keep trying ! We are sure to winnext time.

(1)Keep doingsth. 坚持做某事;keep sb.doing sth. 让某人一直干某事;

keep on doingsth. = go on doing sth. 继续做某事

(2) be sure to do sth. 确信要做某事(表将来)如:It’s sure to rain. 肯定要下雨。

   be sure+(that)从句如: We are sure that we will win nexttime.

   be sureabout sth. 对某事确信,如:I’m sure about the answer.

7 Kangkang was angry with Micheal.

    be angry with sb. 生某人的气

be angry at sth. 因某事而生气如:

He was angryat what he had said.

8With the help of Mariaand Jane, Kangkang said sorry to Micheal.

  With the help of sb. = with one’s help 在某人的帮助下 With Maria and Jane’s help,….

9. (1) turn on 打开(电器、龙头等); turn off ;

 (2) turn up 调大音量 turn down 调小音量

10.please take a seat. 请坐

   Takeone’s seat = have one’s seat 坐某人的座位 :He took his seat and read a book.

11.  be busy with sth. 为某事而忙碌。如:Kangkang is busy with his exam.

be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事 如:He is busy preparing for Christamas.

12. Never mind.= It doesn’t matter.= That’s OK/all right.= Not atall. 没关系。都可以用来回答“I’m sorry.”如:I’m sorry I didn’t call you lastnight. --- Never mind. I guess you were busy.



1.      Exciting? Yes, but very tiring as well很精彩?是的,但也很累。


     as well / too 用于肯定句末. I’m a student. He is a student as well/too.

     also 用于肯定句中(位于系动词、情态动词之后,行为动词之前)如:

He isalso a student.  He also likes English.

     either 用于否定句末。I’m not a student, he isn’t a student either.

2.      He invented an indoor game for his students so that they could playeven in bad weather.

(1) so that

①为了,以便 He got up early so thathe could catch the early bus.

结果,以致 He left his book at home so that he went back home again.


She is so beautiful thateveryone likes him.

such+名词短语+that 从句:如此….以致… 

She is such a beautiful girlthat everyone likes him.


 invent (动词)

②inventor (名词)发明家

invention (名词)发明

   Inventors have invented many greatinventions 发明家已经发明了许多伟大的发明。

3.      Do you know how to score in the game?(在比赛中得分)

score 进球,得分

①名词:The final score is 2-1.最后得分为2比1。

②动词: No one scored in the first half.没人得分在上半场。



1.      I am a 15-year-old boy. 我是一个15岁大的男孩。

用连接号“—”构成的词常做一个形容词,放在名词前作定语,此结构中数词后的词不用复数,不能说成 15-years-old, 但不是一个词时,year 要用复数。如:He is 15 years old.


instead of代替...,是一个副词短语,不能放主语后独立作谓语动词,只能放在动词后作谓语,它后可接名词/代词/动名词(v-ing)。如:You should play out instead ofworking indoors.

     instead 代替放句尾或句首。

I don’t like swimming, let’sgo hiking instead.

3.  I have great fun running.

fun 是不可数名词,意为“乐趣”,词组have fun doing sth. 在做某事中得到乐趣如:

We have greatfun learning English. 注意:have fun= enjoy oneself= ha a good time.

4Before  after 既可作介词,后接动词ing形式。也可作连词,后接时间状语从句。如:


 Before starting jumping, we must get toknow how to jump high. (介词)

    Before we start jumping, we must get to knowhow to jump high.   (连词)

5. 短语:

shout at sb 朝某人吼(不礼貌地);shout to sb. 朝某人大声地喊

be import to sb./ sth. 对某人是重要的。如:English is important tous.

build sb/oneself up增强某人体质如:Running can build ourselvesup. 

立刻,马上:in aminute= right now= right away= at once =soon


八年级上册Unit 1 topic 3


1.      I’ll be in the long jump and the high jump.

be in + 活动,表参加某活动,相当于take part in  join in


2.      maybe may be

    maybe =perhaps副词,表可能,也许,大概,在句中作状语,通常放句首,也可以放动词之前。如:Maybe you are right.(可能你是对的)

    may be 可能是常放句中,如:You maybe right.(你可能是对的)

3.      动词放句首的几种情况:

    动词原形放句首,用于祈使句。如:Read the dialogueloudly , please.

    动词ing形式(动名词)放句首作主语,把它当作单数第三人称对待。如:Reading in the sun is bad for your eyes.

    动词不定式也可以放句首作主语,如: To talk with him is a great pleasure. 当然,通常我们把不定式放句后,前用形式主语it 来代替它。因此这句话常说成:It is a great pleasureto talk with him.(跟他交谈是一种莫大的乐趣)

4.      My foreign friend, Steve, will come to cheer me on

cheer sb on 为某人加油。

5I am sure I will make friends during the sports meet.

   (1) makefriends 交朋友 

(2) makefriends with sb. 和某人交朋友,如:I wanto make friends with you.    

(3) sportsmeet 运动会

6. I will do mybest. I won’t lose.


输(反义词为:winI am afraid Iwill lose the game.

丢失 I lost my book.

7. It’s my first time totake part in the high jump.

  It’s one’s first time to dosth. 是某人第一次做… 如:

It’s her first time to cookdinner/ 



1.      Let’s go to plant trees then. 那么让我们去植树吧。

plant  grow 都表“种植”,一般可互换,但grow  plant 更需要精心的培育。常说:plant trees,  grow rice.

2.      Let’s make it half past six. 我们约定6:30吧。(这是约定时间的常用表达法.

3.      enough 的用法:

(1)enough(足够的/修饰形容词或副词必须放在它的后面。如:big enough (大的足够) slowly enough (慢地足够) enough 修饰名词时,即可放其前,也可放其后。如:enough money  money enough. 

(2) enough to dosth. 足够…..可以做…. 此句式还可以与so…..that…. too…to….互换。

She isn’t oldenough to go to school.== She is so young that she can’t go to school.=She is too young to go toschool.她太小了而不能上学。

4.      take photos= take pictures 照相


1.We’re sorry that we did badly in the high jump, but we’re sure we can dobetter next time.

  dobadly in = be bad in … 方面做得差 (badly是副词,修饰动词do;  bad 是形容词)

  do betterin = be better in 做得更好更擅长于…. better wellgood的比较级)

2.The People’s Republic ofChinatook part in the Olympics for the first time in 1952.

  forthe first time第一次 如:I went to Beijingfor the first time last summer holiday.

3.The Olympic Games take place every four years.


(1) take place 发生,举办 

(2) every four years 4年一次


1.The Olympic rings are a symbol of the Olympic Games.

  asymbol of … 的一种象征 Yellow was a symbol of imperial power in ancient China.

2.There are five rings, and they stand for the five parts of the world.

  standfor 代表…  The dragon stands for the Chinese nation.

3.You can easily find at least one of these colors in the flag of every country.

  atleast 至少 = over =more than 如:There are atleast 400 students in our school.


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