
仁爱版英语八年级上册Unit 3 单元测试(含听力)

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Unit 3 Our Hobbies


Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister.


I. 单项选择。
1. My friend is the same _______ me. We are _______ quiet.
    A. as; both    

    B. as; all    

    C. to; both     

    D. to; all
2. Is Tara shorter than Tina? Yes, she is ______ Tina.
    A. as tall as    

    B. not as tall as    

    C. taller than    

    D. as taller as
3. Pedro is quite funny. He often makes us _______ .
    A. laugh     

    B. to laugh     

    C. laughing

    D. laughed
4. Tom has _______ than Sam and he is as young as Sam.
    A. short hair    

    B. shorter hair     

    C. a short hair    

    D. short hairs
5. You can go out _____ you promise(许诺) to be back before 11 o’clock.
    A. as good as     

    B. as far as    

    C. as long as    

    D. as short as
6. There are some ________ between Pedro and Paul.
    A. different     


    C. difference    

    D. differents
7. I want to find a friend who is similar _____ me.
    A. with     

    B. as     

    C. to     

    D. for
8. Who runs _______,Tom or Jim?
    A. fast    

    B. faster    

    C. fastest   

    D. more fast
9. John is __________ than Peter.
    A. funnier   

    B. fun    

    C. funny     

    D. more funny
10. My sister is __________ more outgoing than me.
    A. more    

    B. most    

    C. a little    

    D. little

11. __________like sports and are outgoing.

    A. Both of them    

    B. Both they    

    C. They are both    

    D. They both are

12. The new teacher is quite __________ Mr. Wang. I like her better.

    A. different from     

    B. the same as    

    C. difference    

    D. the same to

13. — Who is __________ , Maria or May?

— I think May __________.

    A. smart; is    

    B. very smart; does    

    C. smarter; does    

    D. smarter; is

14. The tiger ­__________ the cat.

    A. looks the same      

    B. looks the same like

    C. looks the same as    

    D. looks like the same

15. Look! Your bag is a little smaller than __________.

    A. his   

    B. her    

    C. my   

    D. their


1. Mike is ______, but his brother Sam is much ______.

    A. heavy; heavier    

    B. heavy; heaviest   

    C. heavier; heaviest  

    D. heavier; the heaviest

2. Sam and Henry play football very well. We hope _____ of them can join our team.

    A. all        

    B. both       

    C. every       

    D. some

3. I’m very strong , so nothing will make me _____ my mind.

     A. change               

    B.to change             


II. 完形填空。
  I have a twin sister. Kitty. She has ____1____ hair than me. I don’t like long hair. Many people think we ____2____ have lots of things in common. I’m afraid this is not true. When my parents’ friends come to our home, Kitty often sits there and says ____3____, but I like to talk with them. So she is ____4 ____ than me. Kitty likes reading, drawing and cooking. I just like swimming and playing basketball. She has ____5____ hobbies than me, but she is not as athletic ____6____ me. Because Kitty does ____7____ than me at school, my parents often say to me, “____8____ Kitty is younger than you, you should learn ____9____ her.” We do have some similarities(相似之处), however. For example, we ____10____ like eating fast food, going shopping and listening to pop music.
1. A. longer    B. long    C. short    D. shorter
2. A. can    B. should    C. must    D. need
3. A. something    B. nothing    C. anything    D. everything
4. A. quieter    B. younger    C. wilder    D. busier
5. A. much    B. more    C. less    D. fewer
6. A. than    B. as    C. to    D. for
7. A. worse    B. bad    C. better    D. good
8. A. If    B. No matter    C. Although    D.As
9. A. with    B. from    C. as    D. by
10.A.either    B. all    C. both    D. two
III. 阅读理解。


  A little mouse thinks he is the tallest and strongest animal in the world. His mother says to him “Don’t say you are the strongest in front of an elephant. He doesn’t like that.”
  The little mouse doesn’t listen to his mother. He goes out to look for the elephant, but he doesn’t know who is the elephant. He meets an ant first. He asks her, “Are you an elephant?” “No, I am not,” says the ant.
  Then the little mouse meets a hare(野兔). He asks her, “Are you an elephant? You are bigger than me.” “No, I am not. An elephant is much bigger,” says the hare. The little mouse goes on.
  Suddenly he sees four big trees, “Aha, let me climb up one of the trees. Then I can see where the elephant is,” says the little mouse. Then he begins to climb one tree.
  “Get down! Get down!” someone shouts to him. “I’m the elephant. Go and climb that tall tree nearby. Then you can see me.”
  “Now I see. The elephant is the tallest and strongest animal in the world,” says the little mouse at last.
1. The little mouse thinks his mother is the tallest and strongest animal in the world.
2. The little mouse knows who is the elephant at first.
3. The little mouse meets an ant first.
4. The little mouse climbs up one of the four trees.
5. The little mouse thinks the elephant is the tallest and strongest animal in the world at last.


  Smith is one of my friends. He can run very fast and he is always ready to show people how fast he can run.
  One day a thief breaks into his house, takes some things of his and runs off as fast as he can. Smith runs after him and shouts, “Stop! Stop! Don’t you know you can’t run away from me?”
  But the thief only runs faster. Smith gets angry. He tries his best to run. He is soon a few miles (英里) away from his home. He doesn’t look at anything or anybody and is still rushing(冲) alone when he runs into me.
  “Why are you in a hurry?” I ask.
  “I am trying to catch a thief.”
  “But where is the thief?” I ask.
  “Far, far behind me.” Says Smith with a smile on the face.
  “He thinks he can run faster than I, but you see he is wrong.”
6. Smith wants everybody to know that ____________.
    A. he is good at running    

    B. he jumps high    

    C. he is ready to run

7. Someone takes away some things from his house and then __________.
    A. goes out of his house    

    B. goes into his house    

    C. runs away quickly
8. Smith gets angry because the thief ___________.
    A. takes away something good
    B. does not stop running
    C. runs faster than before
9. Smith is very glad to tell his friend ___________.
    A. he catches the thief
    B. he runs much faster than the thief
    C. he is miles and miles behind the thief
10. Where is the thief?
    A. He runs away.
    B. He runs after Smith.
    C. He stops to watch Smith running.


    Mobile phones are more important than ever in the daily lives of students, but how they use them has changed greatly in the past six years. While phones are still widely use for communication, a recent study has found that most students think talking on mobile phones is now old-fashioned.

    London University researchers surveyed 1055 young people aged 13 to 18 about their mobile phone habits. The researchers divided mobile phone use into "communication" and "entertainment". Communication included talking on the phone and writing messages using texting(短信)or chatting software. Entertainment was made up of playing games, watching movies, listening to music and surfing the Internet. The findings were then compared to a 2008 study, to see what changed. The results are shown below:

    Perhaps most surprising is how little time students spend talking on their phones these days. Six years ago the average student spent 36% of their mobile phone time making or receiving calls. In 2016, only 10% of time was used for talking. When students use their phones to communicate, more and more often it is done by using chat software like qq or wechat.

"Communication is still an important function of mobile phones. But now mobile phones are being used more for entertainment than for communication," said Dr Harry Lectre, the research leader.

11. What was the most popular mobile phone activity in 2016?

    A. Talking.        

    B. Texting.           

    C. Playing games.       

    D. Watching movies.

12. In total, what percentage of time did students use their mobile phones for communication in 2008?

    A. 16%.    B. 28%.    C. 35%.    D. 71%.

13. Which of the following is true about watching movies on mobile phones?

    A. It has increased most over the past six years.

    B.14% of students now watch movies on their mobile phones.

    C. It was the most popular type of mobile phone entertainment in 2008.

    D. Students now spend more time watching movies than talking on their phones.

14. Which mobile phone activities were more popular than surfing the Internet in 2016?

    A. Chatting and watching movies.

    B. Chatting and listening to music.

    C. Playing games and watching movies.

    D. Playing games and texting.

15. The passage can best be described as a/an_______.

    A. report      

    B. story           

    C. advertisement     

    D. argument
IV. 书面表达。

I. 单项选择。

1. A。the same as表示“和……相同”,both 表示“两者都”。
2. B。not as(so)... as... 表示“不如……”。
3. A。make + sb./sth.+省略to的动词不定式, 意为“使某人或某物做某事”。
4. B。than经常与比较级连用,hair“头发”为不可数名词。
5. C。as long as意思是“只要……”。
6. B。difference “不同”,复数differences。
7. C。be similar to意为“和……相似”。
8. B。根据空后的“Tom or Jim”可知是两者的比较,用比较级faster。
9. A。than经常与比较级连用,funny以辅音字母加y 结尾,应去掉y加上ier。
10. C。a little可以用来修饰比较级,这里的a little more outgoing than me意思是:比我外向一点儿。
11. A。both作为代词时,正确的形式常为:both of+复数名词或代词宾格;both放于行为动词的前面,放在情态动词或be动词的后面。

12. A。根据最后的“我更喜欢她”,说明两者是不同的,即different from。

13. D。两者之间的选择要用比较级。回答的谓语动词要与问句保持一致。

14. C。构成固定搭配形式the same as…,意为“同……一样”。

15. A。his既是形容词性物主代词也是名词性物主代词。这里是名词性物主代词。



2. B。句意:Sam和Henry踢足球都很棒。我们希望他们两个都能加入我们队。本题考查不定代词。all三者或三者以上都;both两者都;every每个,不与of搭配;some一些。根据句意可知答案为B项。

3.A。句意:我非常的坚决,所以没有事情能够让我改变主意。make + sb. + do (省略to的不定式)表示“让某人做某事;使某人做某事”。
II. 完形填空。
1. A。根据后文的than及I don’t like long hair可知用比较级longer。
2. C。双胞胎“一定”有很多共同点。
3. B。根据后文的but I like to talk with them可知Kitty不说话。
4. A。Kitty不说话,所以比“我更安静”。
5. B。从作者列举的爱好可知Kitty的爱好比我多。
6. B。不像我爱运动,not as…as。
7. C。根据后文可知,Kitty在校表现比我好。
8. C。根据句意“虽然Kitty比你小,你也应该向他学习。”
9. B。同上。learn…from“向……学习”。
10. C。表示“两者都”用both。
III. 阅读理解。

6. A。根据文章第一段第二句话可知答案。
7. C。根据文章第二段第一句话可知答案。
8. B。根据第二段可知答案。
9. B。根据Smith和“我”的对话可知答案。
10. A。根据文章内容可以推断出来。


11.C。细节理解题。根据图表可知,在2016年的手机活动中,playing games占了27%,百分比是最大的,故正确答案为C项。

12. D。考查学生的读图能力和简单计算能力。In total表示总共,所以是求和,用加法进行计算,沟通功能在08年的四项数据分别是36%,26%,27%和9%,加起来一共是71%。所以答案选D。

13.D。判断正误题。A选项看电影不是增长的最多,是玩游戏和上网增长得最多。B选项应该是11%。C选项不是watching movies而是playing games.

14. B。细节理解题。注意这题作比较的是2016年,不是2008年。A和C选项错了watching movies 11%比surfing the Internet 13%少。D选项texting 9%比surfing the Internet 13 %少。所以我们答案选B,chatting 16%和listening to music 14%都比surfing the Internet 13%多。

15.A。推理判断题。A选项是report报告,我们从第二段开头London University researchers surveyed 1055 young people…可以判断这一题选A,因为大学是做科研的机构,所以这篇文章是一篇报告。B的story对应记叙文,文章要有记叙文六要素。C选项advertisement是广告,广告的呈现形式一般比较花俏,比如字体比较特别,而且会涉及价钱等。D选项argument是议论文,这篇文章不是呈现论点,而是以报告的形式给读者呈现手机使用的趋势。

IV. 书面表达。
  Yesterday on my way home I met a classmate of mine. We were in a primary school two years ago. Her name is Zhou Yan. I found she was much taller than before. She told me that she liked playing tennis. She was on the school team and she was very popular in her school. So she looked more athletic than before. Then she told me that she studied well in her class. All her classmates and teachers said she was very intellectual. We talked for a long time. We talked a lot. She told me a lot of funny stories of her. I thought she was more outgoing and polite than before. At last we decided that we would play tennis together next Sunday.


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