
一周立法最新双语动态,我们来了! 第93期

北大法宝 2021-11-10

⊙ 本文长约8000字,阅读需时21分钟




China to Temporarily Suspend the Entry into China by Foreign Nationals Holding Valid Visas or Residence Permits from 28 March, 2020


CAAC Decides to Further Reduce International Passenger Flights



CBIRC Releases Notice Regarding Strengthening Financial Services for Coordinated Resumption of Work and Production across the Industrial Chain


Interim Provisions Issued by the Shanghai Stock Exchange Regarding Application and Recommendation of Enterprises for Issuance and Listing on SSE STAR Market



China to Temporarily Suspend the Entry into China by Foreign Nationals Holding Valid Visas or Residence Permits from 28 March, 2020


On March 26, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Immigration Administration jointly issued the Announcement Regarding the Temporary Suspension of Entry by Foreign Nationals Holding Valid Chinese Visas or Residence Permits (hereinafter the ‘Announcement’).


The Announcement sets out that in view of the rapid spread of COVID-19 across the world, China has decided to temporarily suspend the entry into China by foreign nationals holding valid visas or residence permits, effective from 00:00 of 28 March, 2020. Entry by foreign nationals with APEC Business Travel Cards will be suspended as well. Policies including port visas, the 24/72/144-hour visa-free transit policy, the Hainan 30-day visa-free policy, the 15-day visa-free policy specified for foreign cruise-group-tour through Shanghai Port, the Guangdong 144-hour visa-free policy specified for foreign tour groups from Hong Kong or Macao SAR, and the Guangxi 15-day visa-free policy specified for foreign tour groups of ASEAN countries will also be temporarily suspended. Entry with diplomatic, service, courtesy or C visas will not be affected. Foreign nationals coming to China for necessary economic, trade, scientific or technological activities or out of emergency humanitarian needs may apply for visas at Chinese embassies or consulates. Entry by foreign nationals with visas issued after this announcement will not be affected.


The Announcement states that this suspension is a temporary measure that China is compelled to take in light of the outbreak situation and the practices of other countries. China will stay in close touch with all sides and properly handle personnel exchanges with the rest of the world under the special circumstances. The aforementioned measures will be calibrated in light of the evolving situation and announced accordingly.


CAAC Decides to Further Reduce International Passenger Flights


On March 26, 2020, the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) issued the Notice Regarding Further Reducing International Passenger Flights during the Period of Epidemic Prevention and Control (hereinafter the ‘Notice’).

通知明确,以民航局3月12日官网发布的“国际航班信息发布(第5期) ”为基准,国内每家航空公司经营至任一国家的航线只能保留1条,且每条航线每周运营班次不得超过1班;外国每家航空公司经营至我国的航线只能保留1条,且每周运营班次不得超过1班。

The Notice clarifies that on the basis of the Information on International Flight Plans (Phase Five) released on the official website of CAAC on March 12, each Chinese airline is only allowed to maintain one route to any specific country with no more than one flight per week and each foreign airline is only allowed to maintain one route to China with no more than one weekly flight.


The Notice points out that all airlines should, in accordance with the aforementioned requirements, apply for Pre-Flight plans to the Operation Supervisory Center of CAAC in advance. The Operating Permits, and take-off and landing slots, among others, associated with the flights cut by airlines in accordance with requirements of this Notice will be retained. In addition, all airlines should strictly implement the latest edition of Preventing Spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Guideline for Airlines issued by the Office of the China Civil Aviation Leading Group for the Prevention and Control of COVID-19. They should also take stringent prevention and control measures on flights to and from China and ensure that the passenger load factor is no higher than 75%.



CBIRC Releases Notice Regarding Strengthening Financial Services for Coordinated Resumption of Work and Production across the Industrial Chain


On March 26, 2020, the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission issued the Notice Regarding Strengthening Financial Services for Coordinated Resumption of Work and Production across the Industrial Chain (hereinafter the ‘Notice’).


The Notice addresses the cash flow pressure problems that have been faced by some companies in the industrial chain since the resumption of operation and production. It proposes specific measures for guiding banks and insurance institutions in enhancing financial support and services, smoothing the flow of capital in the industrial chain, and promoting the overall effect of the resumption of operation and production in the industrial chain, among others.


The Notice includes the following six aspects: The first aspect regards an increase in financial support for core enterprises in the industrial chain. The second aspect regards optimization of financial services for upstream and downstream enterprises in the industrial chain. The third aspect regards enhancement of financial support in coordinated development of the global industrial chain. The fourth aspect regards improvement of the technological level of industrial chain financial services. The fifth aspect regards improvement of assessment incentives and risk control of banking financial institutions. The sixth aspect regards strengthening of support for insurance and guarantee services.


Interim Provisions Issued by the Shanghai Stock Exchange Regarding Application and Recommendation of Enterprises for Issuance and Listing on SSE STAR Market


On March 27, 2020, approved by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (‘CSRC’), the Shanghai Stock Exchange issued the Interim Provisions of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Regarding the Application and Recommendation of Enterprises for Issuance and Listing on SSE STAR Market (hereinafter the ‘Interim Provisions’), effective from the date of issuance.


The Interim Provisions specify the key industry scope served by the SSE STAR Market, which covers high-tech enterprises and strategic emerging industries, such as new-generation information technology, high-level equipment, new materials, new energy, energy-saving and environmental protection, and biomedicine. The scope also covers other companies in the field of in-depth application technology innovation, in line with the positioning of the SSE STAR Market, like fintech and technology services, among others.


The Interim Provisions re-clarify the ‘3+5’ attribute evaluation system for science and innovation, which was previously issued by the CSRC. Specifically, all companies that fall under the industry scope served by the SSE STAR Market should be directly determined to meet the positioning of the SSE STAR Market, if they meet three regular indicators at the same time, such as the proportion or absolute amount of R&D investment, the number of invention patents and the compound growth rate or amount of operating income, or have one of the five exceptions of outstanding scientific and technological innovation capabilities as stipulated in the Guidelines.


本文来源 | 北大法律信息网




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