
一周立法要闻梳理(9.19-9.25) | 法宝双语新闻



1. 《严重违法失信会计人员黑名单管理办法(征求意见稿)》发布




1. Measures for the Administration of Blacklists of Accountants with Seriously Illegal and Dishonest Acts (Exposure Draft) Issued

On September 19, 2019, the Ministry of Finance (MOF) issued the Measures for the Administration of Blacklists of Accountants with Seriously Illegal and Dishonest Acts (Exposure Draft), and comments may be submitted until October 20, 2019. 

The Measures lay out five circumstances of blacklisting: providing false financial accounting statements; forging or altering accounting documents or accounting books, or preparing false financial accounting statements; concealing or deliberately destroying accounting documents, accounting books or financial accounting statements that should be preserved according to the law; suggesting, instructing or compelling any accounting office, accountant or other person to forge or alter any accounting document or account book, to prepare any false financial accounting statement, or to conceal or intentionally destroy any accounting document, account book or financial accounting statement that should be preserved according to the law; and other illegal acts pertaining to the accounting position such as corruption, misappropriation of public funds, or duty-related embezzlement. As for the validity period of the blacklist, the Exposure Draft proposes that if an administrative punishment is imposed for the above illegal acts, the validity period of being listed in the blacklist of accountants should be five years calculated from the effective date of the administrative penalty; and if a criminal penalty is imposed, the validity period of being listed in the blacklist of accountants should be permanent.

According to the Measures, with respect to the acquisition of punishment information, the financial departments at or above the provincial level should send the accountants’ names and citizens’ ID card numbers (or social credit codes of Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan residents, or identification numbers of foreign nationals) to the development and reform departments at the same level and update them periodically, and the development and reform departments should screen such information as criminal penalties and administrative punishments involving accountants through the credit information sharing platform, and regularly push them to the financial departments at the same level. The MOF is in charge of pushing the punishment information on relevant accountants to the provincial financial departments and the central competent authorities through the national accountant management service platform. In such a horizontal and vertical way, the punishment information on accountants is assembled to the identification departments.  


2. 银保监会就《商业银行理财子公司净资本管理办法》征求意见



2. Public Comments Requested on the Administrative Measures for Net Capital of Wealth Management Subsidiaries of Commercial Banks 

On September 20, 2019, the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission (CBIRC) is requesting comments on the Measures for the Administration of Net Capital of Wealth Management Subsidiaries of Commercial Banks (for Trial Implementation) (Exposure Draft), and comments may be submitted until October 27, 2019.

According to the Measures, the management of net capital of wealth management subsidiary companies should meet two standards: First, the net capital should be no less than 500 million yuan, and 40% of the net assets; Second, the net capital should be also no less than the risk capital to ensure that the wealth management subsidiary companies maintain a sufficient net capital level. The board of directors of a wealth management subsidiary should assume the ultimate responsibility for the net capital management of the company, and the senior executives should be responsible for organizing and implementing the management of net capital. The wealth management subsidiary companies should submit the net capital regulatory statements on a regular basis, and be responsible for the veracity, accuracy and completeness of relevant statements, timely report major changes in relevant regulatory indicators, and disclose the management of net capital in the annual report. The banking regulators may take relevant regulatory measures in accordance with laws and regulations against the wealth management subsidiary companies not meeting the requirements of net capital management.


3. 《关于深入开展“信易贷”支持中小微企业融资的通知》发布



3. “Xinyidai” Mode to be Profoundly Conducted in Support of the Financing of Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises 

Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission and the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission issued the Notice of Profoundly Conducting the “Xinyidai” Mode to Support the Financing of Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, effective from the date of issuance.

The key tasks of the Notice include six aspects: (1) Establishing and improving the credit information collection, sharing and inquiry mechanism. On the basis of the national credit information sharing platform, the credit information in such fields as taxation, market regulation, customs, justice, charges of water, electricity, and gas, social insurance, and payment of housing provident funds should be integrated. (2) Establishing and improving the credit evaluation system for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. The evaluation results should be regularly pushed to financial institutions to enhance their risk identification capabilities.  (3) Supporting the innovation in products and services under the “Xinyidai” mode by financial institutions. Financial institutions should be encouraged to innovate the loan renewal method for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises with good credit and normal operations so as to effectively reducing their loan turnover cost.  (4) Innovating in the “Xinyidai” default risk resolution mechanism. Financial institutions should be encouraged to establish an online enforceable notarization mechanism depending on financial technology to speed up the resolution of debt disputes.  (5) Encouraging local governments to release policies in support of the “Xinyidai” mode. Regions with good conditions should be supported in setting up the special “Xinyidai” risk mitigation funds or risk compensation funds led by government departments and with joint participation and risk sharing by financial institutions and other market players.  (6) Strengthening the assessment incentives for the “Xinyidai” management. The statistical statement standards for “Xinyidai” mode should be researched and developed, and the special evaluation mechanism for "Xinyidai" work should be established.


4. 最高法发布健全完善审判委员会工作机制意见





4. SPC Issues Opinions on Improving the Working Mechanism for Judicial Committees 

Lately, the Supreme People’s Court (SPC) issued the Opinions on Improving the Working Mechanism for Judicial Committees of the People’s Courts. 

The Opinions point out that the people's courts at all levels should set up judicial committees, and a judicial committee should be composed of a president, a vice president, and several senior judges. Meetings of a judicial committee are divided into plenary meetings and meetings of professional committees, and the people's courts at or above the intermediate level may hold criminal trials, civil administrative trials and other meetings of professional committees according to the needs of the trial work.

According to the Opinions, the sensitive cases involving national security, foreign affairs and social stability as well as significant, difficult and complicated cases, cases of which the judgments, rulings, consent judgments, or other documents rendered by this court have come into force but are wrong for sure and need retrials, criminal cases against which the people's procuratorates at the same level file the appeal under the trial supervision procedures, new types of cases with unclear applicable rules of law, cases in which a defendant is to be acquitted, and cases in which a convict is to be given a penalty below the statutory penalty or to be exempted from criminal penalty should be submitted to the judicial committee for discussion and decision. Cases in which a convict is to be sentenced to death by a higher people's court or an intermediate people's court should be submitted to the judicial committee of the court for discussion and decision. Cases on which a collegial panel has substantially dissenting opinions and a decision is still difficult to be made upon discussion at the professional or presiding judges’ meeting may be submitted to the judicial committee for discussion and decision.

The Opinions emphasize that the performance of duties as legally required by the members of the judicial committees is protected by the law, and where officials or staff members of judicial organs illegally intervene in the handling of a case, or inquire about case information in the discussion and decision-making of cases by members of judicial committees, such information should be recorded, a notice thereon should be circulated, and relevant liable persons should be held accountable according to the applicable provisions.



Legislative Updates (Issue 66) 
Legislative Updates (Issue 65)

Legislative Updates (Issue 64)
Legislative Updates (Issue 63)







